...make me...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Again, I have been trying to post, and here comes the excuses! I haven't been 100% motivated to write anything, and when I do finally get around to recounting the tales of my life, something breaks and the post is lost. It happens. Frequently it seems. So let's all cross our fingers and hope this one makes it!

So what's been happening lately? Well, I'm being crossed trained for a different LOB (line of business) at work. It's not so great because I've moved from tech to billing, but I'll survive. Just finished the two weeks of training and call taking, now I'm moving on to the "trial" period where they watch over you like a hawk to point out every little mistake to make sure you know how to do the job. Boy I feel sorry for the slobs who got my group last week! Nobody was listening to our calls then! But anyway, the funny thing about this LOB is that it's the member telling us what to do, as opposed to us telling the member what to do. Very odd. Takes some adjustment. Also, the 30 calls in 8 hours VS the 15 in 10 hours takes some getting used to as well. It'll be another 4 weeks of that, unless of course I get a "get out of jail free" card, which may happen! I have an interview on Thursday for another LOB! This one actually has a raise involved so I'm a little happy about that. My tech supervisor positioned me with all his power so with 10 openings, I'd better get this job and not have to finish the trial billing office crap! I mean sure it'll be a usefull training, but 2$ an hour is a bitchin' deal if you ask me! So all you people cross your damn fingers already!

Well, that's it for work. What about my personal/social life? Well that's next, so stay tuned...

I've been riding the bike at almost every available opportunity. Not bear in mind they don't have large gas tanks, but when gas is at a good price, you just found a great excuse for a ride! I took my first night ride the other day. Very different experience. I didn't feel as comfortable as in daylight, but that'll come with practice. First time changing the lenses in my goggles from the shades to the clear lenses. I bought some kick ass goggles. Next I'll put the yellow lenses in! That'll be today if the weather holds. And the rest of life has been fairly pedestrian. Last night I went to the Dom around 3:30 and I left at 9:30. Drinking and being bored aren't a good combination, but at least I beat my friend at backgammon which she'd been playing most of her life and to be honest, that was my first real game. Now I know the rules. I kicked so much ass with the doubles at the end when almost all hope was lost and won! I rule! And when I finally got home at 11, I found out that someone I talk to on the internet actually saw me last night, but didn't say hi? I'm hurt. I'm going to have to give her the cold shoulder from now on. For the love of god, say hi to people you know! Blah! Anyway, it's time to shower and go out for breakfast! Mmm, 10am breakfast... Yummy.