...make me...

Friday, September 24, 2004

Well, let's see... It's a slow day at work. I show up a little later than usual because I missed my 8 to Hull by a minute and I arrive at work to find everybody standing either outside or in the lobby! Apparently there was a small fire or something and we couldn't get in the building. In all the confusion I managed to punch in, get to my locker and then to my floor all in time to get on the phones EXACTLY when I was supposed to. Most unfortunate for me. But I guess it's not all bad since I've only had one call so far... Oops.. Call..

Wow, that woman had problems. She was certainly very nice and calm, and not to exclude how understanding she was. Yay for good calls. And I'm supposed to sell things to people... I'm still trying to get over the ethical hurdle. Can I get a lobotomy for that? I mean, they are brainwashing me, why do I need my frontal lobe for anyway?

Bah, enough about work.

Ok, so I didn't do much this week except go to work. I missed out on the big DVD release or Star Wars and I still haven't gotten my copy. Imagine being sold out the day after! I thought these big stores were supposed to get truck loads of these things. Sadly dissapointed. Oh, now I remember something that happened this week. I finally got my order in from Hatchetgear.com. I ordered my Hell's Pit CD/DVDs direct from the hatchet! Also I ordered the Dark Lotus bandana. I figure if I ever get my M1 and a bike, I'll need a bandana, so why not represent what I like? Plus it's got crosses and it's black so I figure it fits in well with the whole culture/image right? If I can find the image, I'll upload it, so check back for that.

It's almost Saturday! I can't wait to not come to work. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I'm going to go hang out with an old friend and the french nursing student friend. We're going to some show the other friend wanted to go see. Apparently she knows the drummer or guitarist or something. I'm not 100% sure what the music is supposed to be like. I only listened to one track from the band. If you're interested in finding out, go to the Babylon night club website and check out the Saturday show. There's probably a link to the artists website where you can stream a song or two. I don't really care too much. A night out with alcohol and pretty women is all I need.

As for the rest of the weekend? Not sure yet. I think Saturday AM is cleaning, PM is bbq burgers and a show, and Sunday? Well, maybe Mr. Milo will have some ideas. As for now, my break is finished so I have to go back on queue and take calls. I'm out.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Well, it's now the first post of September. I bet you're saying, it's about time! I know I am. I figure nobody will read this for a good week or two and hopefully by that time I'll have another update or two written up. We'll see if it happens. Anyway, what has happened in the last little while? Well all my summer aquaintances have left for the season, and the friends that left for the summer have come back. I haven't had a chance to see everybody yet, so I'm a little dissapointed about that. What's another week really? A week is longer than I thought.

But anyway, this weekend was my first long weekend out of my evil 3:30 to midnight shift. Tomorrow it's back to Monday-Friday lifestyle with no evenings to myself or the ladies so that's a downer. When the weekend rolls around it's freedom again. Weekends, always off... I'll never get over that. If only it was a more 9-5... Oh well. A job's a job. I managed to get out and do stuff on Friday which was great! I got to see two friends I hadn't seen in a while, plus it gave me a chance to take pictures again! I finally got my camera back from Kodak. It's repaired and working once again. I threw up a few photos on my Yahoo! photo page, so if you remember the web address for that, go visit it. If you don't remember, ask and I'll let you know. Anyway, on that excursion I managed a quick visit to the Sugar Mountain to pick up my Squidward pez dispenser! Yay. I also grabbed a scoopful of chocolate covered almonds. They were certainly tasty... I want to go back for more! After the sugar, it was off to the palace for a shawarma. God those are tasty. I think my stomach must've shrank this summer because I couldn't finish a mixed plate. I should've gone with the sandwich and potatoes like mr. milo did. Oh well, lesson learned. Then I ended my night with tasty east coast beer. Split a case of 12 with mr. milo at panielle's. Little drunken GTA and a quick clean of her PC and that was an evening. Ok, scratch the "quick" part of the cleaning. There was 4500 pieces of adware detected on her system. It wasn't finished when I left! Crazy... Never have I seen a more messed up computer. They didn't even have the latest updates on the PC, no wonder it's crudded up. I shake my head as I understand the ignorance.

But that asside... I finally got some shopping done with birthday money! I went to bestbuy with my gift certificate and rebate coupon to pick up the latest season of Angel, but I could not find it on the shelves. Some jerks went and bought it before me! So I grabbed Seasons 1 & 2 of the Trailer Park Boys and watched it all yesterday. Great show. I'm sure someone will want to borrow them to copy for themselves. I just don't know who... Yeah you! I know you want it. For everybody else, just ignore that.

After a marathon of Trailer Park boys, I was somewhat compelled to have chicken fingers for lunch today. I just don't know why. Yep, I'm wearing track pants too... Oh oh... If I had more hair in the shake of a pompadour, I might be ricky! Except I don't know a thing about growing dope or getting shot, so maybe I shouldn't be too scared. Anyway, the day is still young and I don't know what to do... I'll think of something, but until then, enjoy your weekend... Whatever's left of it.

I don't care about you - you don't care about me (Care about me)
I don't give a f*ck about my lady luck
Cause she don't see what I see

Mix Mob - Lady Luck