...make me...

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Well now I know I kind of slacked off a bit with the updates, but that tends to happen now and again. For those of you who care, the bathroom is finished. I tried to put the rest of the pictures up, but I apparently ran out of space. It seems that 10 megs fills up rather quickly these days. Anyway, the finished product pictures will need to be shrunk a little bit so that everybody can see them. So patience is the thing to have right now.

But on the lighter side of things, I saw "Saw" tonight. It was a night out with the old college gang. Turned out to be just a tad depressing, but then again, that's life. As for the movie, it was great! I laughed so hard, I nearly pissed myself! I know, it's supposed to be a suspensful thriller or something, but the acting was horrible, the dialog cheezy and the ended, funny. So very funny. Definitely not worth the 13$, but a free rental at blockbuster when it comes out like a month later wouldn't be a bad investment. Laugh at how bad the once memorable actor who played Westley from Princess Bride acts these days. Soooo bad. And looking at the movie credentials of the guy playing opposite him, well... He's a stunt man! No wonder he couldn't act. I must admit the ending was unexpected, but that's all I'll say. Enjoy!