...make me...

Saturday, March 05, 2005

It's the long weekend for me, and it's about time. It was also a payday today so I was certainly feeling good for all the work I've been putting in. My pay was for 95.25 hours. It's a new record for me. Plus it was in a province where OT starts after 40 hours. So yeah, OT is good. And on top of that, the raise. Can't argue with that. I'm loving it. So what do I do with all this? I spent it before I got it really. There's the bike to put a down payment on, and all the stuff that goes with it. Bad news on that front as well. Some stupid !)%(&*# at the college took me out of the course and threw out my file because my credit card didn't pass thru. This of coures was *AFTER* I had called her to make arrangements for this. I told her to wait until the weekend passed to put it thru since I had just paid it off. Needless to say she's very appologetic for the situation, but she still needs her neck stepped on. The only thing that made Thursday a good day was when I punched out at work, and stayed a couple hours to listen to some support calls. That's right, the cat's out of the bag. I've put it on my resume and applied for a second line job. I just hope it doesn't trickle down to firstline that I'm bilingual incase I don't get the job...

But what about today? Today I had no work. It was nice. I did all the things I enjoy today. Well, almost, but that's just because I'm a big wuss. Anyway, today I had bar-b-q'd food. Delicious steaks that were sadly cooked well done, but that still didn't stop me from eating two... Yeah, two. They were tasty. I also vegetated, at someone elses house no less. Yep, I went next door and I was the only one there basically. After a while of sitting on their couch watching a David Blain DVD, the girl next door showed up to make me lunch. Yay me and not having to make lunch! (I realize this is in no order, but steaks were way up there.) So after eating, we watched some stupid shows on TV. Something called "Passions"? I can't believe they put innane crap like that on TV, but hey, it takes all kinds... After the horrible TV, I discovered I was locked out of my own house! The sad part is that I had told the grandparents that I didn't have my key and to leave it unlocked. Oh well. Just an extra excuse to walk the girl next door to work. I also offered my services to drive her home (which she took up, but more on that later) So what do I do between the time she starts work and the time she got off work? I went tobogganing! Well, call it what you will, I grabbed my krazy karpet and headed off to the slope. It was a nice evening, and an excellent test for the buff. Nothing like windy speeds and snow flying in your face to test something that claims to wick away moisture and keep you warm! It worked excellently. And there were memorable points to the whole adventure. Everybody gets their own little award...

Me - Stupidest run
* I basically saw this built up jump on the hill and decided to take it on with the krazy karpet (head first of course). This resulted in what was described as a *POOF* of snow with arms and legs flailing around. After reviewing the landing mark in the snow, I've concluded that I was about 4 feet in the air and travelled about 12 feet in distance. I got up not 2 seconds after the jump, only to fall right back down in triumph!?

Uncle - Longest butt slide
* The uncle decided to try the krazy karpet only to find it slip out from under him halfway down the hill. This left him slidding down on his butt a quarter of the way leaving him stranded near the end of the slope. Nice.

Aunt - Longest run
* She beat everybody by at least 10-15 feet in distance, and on her last run. She kept going, and going...

Little cousin - Most dangerous accidental run
* As the little guy was walking back up the hill with the krazy karpet, he began to go in reverse. From what I could tell, he stepped on the karpet and went back down the way he came. Very close to the woddent posts of the fence, and ended up going down the side of the slope. That would be the road least travelled for sure.

All in all, it was a most excellent waste of time. A quick shower and a phone call later and I was on my way to pick up the girl next door, who sounded horrible on the phone. Damn flu/cold season. This led to a quick Wendy's/Shoppers run for food and medicine. All she got was the chilli, so it was definitely my treat. It's not that often that when you pay it's cheap, so I take it when I can get it. Score points with a buck fifty the right way! And that was that. Dropped off the girl next door, grabbed my taxes and beer and off I went to file my return. Looks like a nicer one this year compared to last. I'm in the green of course, by approximately 400+ so I can't complain. That'll pay for something bike related I'm sure. (Mayhaps the course?)

I've also joined an online DVD rental club today. I'm hoping that works out for the best. I've heard good things about it. I've also purchased another buff. One to go with the bike. Blue flames. Very nice.