...make me...

Friday, January 14, 2005

There's going to be a new website. I'm informed by Rogers that I now have a Rogers Yahoo! Geocities account... Wonderful. SO the link will be...


Update your favourites accordingly.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Well, it seems like I had a problem with updating my blog the other day. I had taken the time to write one up at work because I was early, and I hit the save button, went and saw some friends at work between their calls, came back and the blog had gone nowhere. It refused to update. Next time I'll try to remember to save a draft first. Oh well.

Besides the failed blog attempt, work is going fine. I'm well on my way to perhaps 100 sales this month, maybe even more. I've hit the 60 plateau with my 11 sales tonight, and I'm still going strong. This of course must've gotten me noticed because my supervisor came and asked me if my background was in programming because there are some positions opening within the company. I was in shock I almost forgot I was in a call at the time. I felt bad making the member repeat what connections he had in his window. Anyway, the job is doing some SQL programming so it's something I can do. Just have to dust off the resume and touch it up for that extra special shine. I know that if I can land an interview, I'll be golden, but that's the hard part. Here's hoping they're smart enough to give me that foot in!

Beyond all that, there's a housewarming party this weekend for a couple of my friends. They've decided to move in together. Big step. Hope it works out for them. Hope it's a fun party too. Do you have to bring something for a housewarming party? Maybe I should make cookies? Or have someone make cookies. I wonder if we have those ritz crackers to make those tasty squares... I'll find out. It would make a great little treat to share wouldn't it?

Anyway, enough of this jabbering, I must finish up that resume!

...you read it, you can't unread it...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Another day, another dollar?

Yes, only one day off from my last stint of work to this one. One day off not only confuses me, but it seemed to have confused the girl next door who called to see what I was doing today. Much to her surprise, I'm working. Much to my surprise as well. Ok, only half as surprised as when she called. Hell, I'm surprised when anybody calls! I usually tend to answer the phone confused. But anyway, today doesn't look to be as busy as the weekend, so here's hoping it stays that way. I want it to be an easy 3 days. No more 60 plus people waiting for calls. It's a horrible number to have to stare at for 10 hours. The 16 there now is slightly better, but 0 would be nice. Won't somebody deliver me from work? Give me a 0!

Ok, 7's not bad. Keep working on that.

So last night I found no cute ladies to hang out with me, so I went shopping. I managed to score myself some DVD+RW discs to back up my music. I apparently miscalculated, and I'm short a few DVD+RW's to cover my entire mp3 music collection. Who would've thought that? 23.5 gigs, and I still don't have enough backup room... I need at least another 4 discs! I should've bought a pack of 10 or a spindle of 50. Well, I don't know how many re-writable ones I really need, but 5 or 10 would be a good number I suppose. It's the writtable only ones I should buy in bulk. I'm going to start copying the movies I rent, so screw you blockbuster and your late fees! I'll return movies now within the hour! HAHAHAHAHAHaaaaaa. Or maybe a couple hours. I haven't tried yet so I dont' know how long a movie will take. And speaking of blockbuster, I rented a few movies from them last night. The Davinci Code Decoded and Farenheiht 911. The Davinci Code Decoded was an interesting series of interviews with the authors who wrote books on which the Davinci Code drew it's story from. Basically the movie saved me the trouble of reading 6 different books on jesus and mary and the likes. I'll probably watch the other film soon, so no comment on that yet.

This weekend coming up is a whole weekend to myself. A house warming party on the Saturday should make it interesting. Do you bring a gift to a house warming? And if so, is a toilet brush funny or tacky? Who cares, I'm not going to bring a toilet brush. Anyway, work starts soon. Gotta take those calls.