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December 2002

 "Prime 34" Garrick McIntosh


garrick2003banner.JPG (16153 bytes)

Real Name: Garrick A. McIntosh

Alias: The Pit Boss, Shifty

Height: 6'1

Weight: 170 lbs.

Currently Resides: Stonehart, Ontario, Canada.

Hometown: North Vancouver B.C. Canada

First Appearance: Spring 2000 sinister.jpg (16153 bytes)

There is No God.

Millions of years ago, a race of alien bio-genetic scientists chose Earth as a breeding ground for several of their experiments. Earth's mild climate and approximate distance from the nearest star would prove to be perfect for initiating the growth of the primitive lifeforms. The aliens implanted pockets of this new life form across the globe, which would come to be known as homosapiens.

As time passed, the homosapiens evolved, becoming the most advanced form of life on the planet. However, to be expected, the experiment did not yield a 100% success rate. One of the earliest specimens to be implanted on earth did not become conscious, as originally planned. It had been tampered with by another race of aliens, enemies of those who first visited Earth. This second alien race wanted the altered life form to develop into a superior human, whose sole purpose would be to wipe-out the original humans, subsequently crushing their enemies' project all together. The tampered experiment took on different properties, rendering it superior to it's human relatives.

In the late 1970's, after countless millienia, seismic activity within the mountain shook the dormant life form to life, as fate would have it. The life form quickly evolved into the present-day form of human kind, skipping through years of genetic evolution in the blink of an eye. This rapid awakening process scrambled its genetic make-up just enough so that the subject would not possess the ultimate desire to completely destroy mankind, as was previously planned.

The Canadian Government's secret Department H was on scene at the site of the tremors due to extremely high radiation levels. At the epi-center of the radiation, they found an infant boy. This boy was taken captive and became property of Department H. Here, he was dubbed "Prime 34", simply as a code for the entire top secret process. Tests on the child revealed it to be hyper-evolved, as it had a liquid form of Nucleon instead of blood, and hightened senses that rendered his awareness beyond anything close to that of a human. It could not be determined as to whether or not he was created by science, or a natural form of life held in stasis for eons.

Department H took advantage of these facts as the boy grew up in training, simply as a brutal living weapon for more than 13 years. The only purpose of the training was to suit the government needs. As he grew, his intelligence and awareness increased at a hightened rate, a fact unbeknownst to his captors. He used this advanced mental capacity and military training to escape Department H and start searching for answers about the shrouded past conjured vaguely in his mind.

With Department H forever on his trail, Prime 34 struggles with an image he cannot escape. A great darkness is brooding on the horizon. The alien race that populated earth will one day return to enslave their human experiments. Humans were simply meant to become an army of slaves. Nothing more. Prime 34 knows he was meant to stop this. But why? Are humans fundamentally evil? Are the aliens who populated Earth evil? Is Prime 34 himself good or evil? What was the ultimate plan for Earth?

With this ancient knowledge burried in the back of his mind, he has vowed NEVER to let the invasion happen. At the same time, he doesn't know exactly what to do about his genetically built-in task of wiping out humanity. Perhaps the SGHA can provide some answers...

Tomorrow and Beyond: After finding a niche for himself in the Greater Toronto Area and hiding his mysterious past from friends and foes alike, Garrick started the SGHA's Gamblers almost immediately after the collapse of the CBHL. It is his natural desire to battle that kept him present in the hockey wars of the area, aside from the fact that is a perfect training ground. The Gamblers proved to be more of a burden than a source of pride, as it's roster, save for Prime 34 himself, were either destroyed in battle or fled the league altogether. Prime 34 took these acts of cowardess personally and sought to seek out and destroy any remaining Gamblers. Now, without a team of weak-willed cowards behind him, Garrick A. McIntosh fights on in SGHA gameplay, proud and ferocious.

Known For: Founding co-father of the SGHA. One of the greatest two-way players in SGHA history. CBHL Hall of Famer. Has never missed a game for any reason. Built the golden-age net and goalies almost single-handedly. Seemingly timeless and ageless, Prime 34 can feel pain, but it does not slow him down or affect his play. Does not feel fatigue. The all-time leader in Midnight Madness championships. Rarely ices the ball.

Weaknesses: His heartbeat essentially slows to one beat per minute during the winter, redering him almost useless during the cold months. Goes through prolonged top-shelf slumps wherein he can only score on the bottom holes. Extremely ineffective if not pissed off, as anger improves his play.

Primary Influences: : Wendel Clark, Mats Sundin, Danny Markov, Dmitry Yushkevich, Steve Thomas, Alyn McCauley, Gary Roberts, Bryan McCabe, Tie Domi, Ed Belfour, Felix Potvin

Personal Quote: "I was once asked, what does it take for a soldier to become a leader...what differenciates the two? There is no difference. Sometimes certain soldiers are chosen to lead other soldiers. To become leaders of the fight. But they never stop being soldiers. Because when the stakes are high...when the battle burns...when death seems either fight, or you don't.

You're either a soldier or you're not.

I am Prime Thrity-Four.

I am soldier.

I fight.

That's what I do."

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2003 Season

Up and coming:
Best of 11 series WELCOME TO SGHA*ON-LINE

Game Formats
CT v. Gamblers - 
New Age

Midnight Madness
Current Champions


SGHA Players
"Prime 34" McIntosh -
"Conductor" McIntosh -
"The Outsider" Bercha -
"A-Train" Smythe -
"Reign Man" Russell -
"G-Dawg" Pocock -
Young Nick -
"Large" McCormick -