
Name: Zack Rynders

Age: 24

Height: 1,79m

Type: Human

Weapon: Small gun

Zack is the kinda guy who doesnt talk a lot. He's shy and very awkward when expressing what he's feeling. He probably doesnt even know himself what he's really feeling though. He seems to have feelings for both, Nina and Celest. One day he goes to Celest's work, and the day before he's at the store with Nina! He sure acts like a real player.

Zack doesnt seem to have any special ability nor powers. He is a plain human being. He has no kids and has never been married. What do you think, he's only 24!


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Kain - Elation - Rysika - Darren - Kael - Ken - Blind Seer - Nina - Derek - Celest - Jason - Conrad - Tangia - Sephiroth - Razikiel - Zack