
Name: Conrad Lynsley

Age: 28

Family: Derek's brother

Type: Half human, half demon

Weapons: Valdris, dagger and fang

If you thought Derek was an asshole, well wait till you meet Conrad, his older brother. Conrad has been put in a maximum security asylum after he molested then coldly killed his parents many years ago.

Conrad is the kind who gets real pleasure making others suffer. He sold his soul to Deltreizor 18 years ago, and only asked for eternal life in return. Unlike Derek, he doesnt have a devilish form.

He could escape the asylum while the darkess was covering the planet, then he hid and waited for the right moment to show up and spoil his brother and many other people's lives. Today, after many years hidden in the dark, the time has come for Conrad to strike...


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Kain - Elation - Rysika - Darren - Kael - Ken - Blind Seer - Nina - Derek - Celest - Jason - Conrad - Tangia - Sephiroth - Razikiel - Zack