
Name: Sephiroth

Age: 25 ( soul age 38 )

Type: Dark mage

Skills: Black magic

Sephiroth was a normal human being with a normal life, a wonderful wife and a son, before the demon appeared in their lives. The demon tried to convince him that his life would be way more fascinating if he had powers. Sephiroth answered that his life couldnt be more perfect than it was but then, to convince him more, Deltreizor killed his wife and son, telling that now he'd really need powers if he wanted to revive them. Sephiroth accepted reluctantly and realized he had been fooled when he tried to revive his family and couldnt. The demon had already taken their souls away. Sephiroth, completly crushed, decided to devote his life trying to defeat Deltreizor for what he'd done to him. But now that the demon's dead, Sephiroth intends to kill all those who worshiped him.


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Kain - Elation - Rysika - Darren - Kael - Ken - Blind Seer - Nina - Derek - Celest - Jason - Conrad - Tangia - Sephiroth - Razikiel - Zack