
Name: Rysika Valryke

Age: 3

Type: Human

Family: Kain and Elation's daughter, Darren's sister

Skill: Telekinesis

Rysika is a special one. Even if her parents are both vampires, she's still human. When she's either scared or pissed off, she can make things move. She might look like a nice little daddy's girl but, dont delude yourself, she's not! She's a real pest. She always does stupid things then makes her parents believe Darren did it!

With her mom, she always acts like an angel, so that Elation doesnt believe Darren nor Kain when they say Rysika was the person at fault!


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Kain - Elation - Rysika - Darren - Kael - Ken - Blind Seer - Nina - Derek - Celest - Jason - Conrad - Tangia - Sephiroth - Razikiel - Zack