- Intro -

What if angels and devils were real? What if all those Bible stories actually happened? The Preacher, Garth Ennis' masterful and violent comic series takes this not uncommon fantastic premise and runs with it in a wholly unique and disturbing way. You see God has abandoned his world, and the angels and demons are all that's left to maintain the status quo. But without the big guy around, it's only a matter of time before things go wrong, and their worst fears are about to be realized. A powerful entity more terrible and potent than anything created has escaped from it's heavenly prison. This creature, Genesis has entered the soul of Jesse Custer, a disillusioned preacher from Texas. Upon entering his body it kills his entire congregation in a blast of furious light and endows Jesse with what can only be called 'The Word of God'. If Jesse tells people to do something they are compelled to obey. Now, along with Tulip, Jesse's old flame who has secrets of her own; Jesse, The Preacher, sets out to find God, and get some answers.

- Characters -

Jesse Custer

Jesse is our protagonist, The Preacher, having been endowed with the power of The Word from the Genesis creature Jesse is looking for God, to answer for a few things.


Tulip was Jesse's old girlfriend five years back. He walked out on her for mysterious reasons, and now after running into him again she is sticking around for mysterious reasons of her own. She is involved in some shady dealings which as of yet are not clear either...


Cassidy is a vampire, and a Brit. He makes friends with Jesse and Tulip and decides to tag along for a few laughs. He also likes to kick ass, which seems to happen pretty often in this book.

The Cowboy

I'm calling this guy the cowboy because his name hasn't been revealed although he seems to be the reincarnation of John Wayne. He is possibly imaginary, as Jesse is the only one who can see him. Regardless, he gives Jesse sound advice in times of need.

Saint of Killers

The Saint of Killers is a demonic gunman who is sent out to recapture the Genesis entity. And if he racks up a high body count along the way that simply isn't his problem. He's the kind of guy to shoot first and ask questions later.


The Seraphi is an Angel, he's been in charge of things in Heaven since God left. He is not strictly speaking a nice guy... I think the best way to describe him is Bad Ass.

Check out my reviews:

Issue 1
Issue 2
Issues 5-7
Issues 8-12
Issues 13-17 - Hunters

NOTE - This page was written after reading The Preacher issues 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 ... Forgive me if any of this info is too brief for you or contains some inconsistencies. Later all.

* Disclaimer - This is a fan website. I'm not out to make any money or infringe on any copyrights The images seen here are there because I think they're good. All the art seen here is the exclusive property of their respective publishers and creators. If you have any problems with the content of this area please contact me by clicking HERE. Thanks.