Title - And Hell Followed With Him

Issue - 2

Writer - Garth Ennis
Artist - Steve Dillon
Colourist - Matt Hollingsworth
Letterer - Clem Robins
Assistant Editor - Julie Rottenberg
Editor - Stuart Moore
Created by - Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

This is where we really get some action kids. The Saint of Killers is on the loose, and he is very very pissed off. This guy is just damn mean. He opens the issue by slaughtering like 20 cops in a graphic bloodbath. Honestly, if the visually weren't so stunning, I'd be pretty disgusted by the whole thing. Meanwhile, Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy are moving along. Trying to get the hell out of the way before the law comes down on them. A few interesting things are mentioned this issue, as Jesse takes flight. An FBI team lead by an Agent Dinnings has begun investigating Jesse after the destruction of the Annville church. Jesse's imaginary friend, the cowboy, who appears to be a reincarnation of John Wayne shows up to offer his advice to Jesse. And Deblanc and the Adephi are worried about more than just Seraphi. Soon enough 'The Grail' are bound to find out that Genesis has escaped. What that means is anyone's guess. But things are moving along nicely.

This issue sees a lot more action than the last, but still takes the time for the quiet character moments that are the mark of strong writing. I particularly like the scene between Hugo the redneck cop and his crippled son; its pretty screwed up. But then again that's the life that Ennis is showing us here, not the lives of happy, simple people. Everyone introduced in this book so far is damaged in one way or another. It's very dark, and I suppose kind of depressing, but definitely interesting. Unfortunately I don't have the next two issues of the series so I'll be skipping to the next storyline in my next review, but as a set-up these first two issues even without the rest of the first story arc do set-up a pretty compelling plot. But the characters are what seem to hold this together so well. These people are dark, mysterious, and troubled in ways that make me want to read more.

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