Title - 8 - All in the Family
Title - 9 - When the Story Began
Title - 10 - How I Learned to Love the Lord
Title - 11 - Pardners
Title - 12 - Until the End of the World

Issue - 8 - 12

Writer - Garth Ennis
Artist - Steve Dillon
Colourist - Matt Hollingsworth
Letterer - Clem Robins
Assistant Editor - Julie Rottenberg
Editor - Stuart Moore
Created by - Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon
Loki Cel Scan

Well, ever wanted to read a story about the most utterly fucked up childhood you could imaging. Look no further than this storyline of The Preacher. This comic book is twisted. I mean just sick. There is so very much wrong with this story I'm not even sure where to begin. I mean, I suppose it did exactly what it was trying to do. It got under my skin. It's just seriously big time creepy. Everything, all those naggling little secrets that Jesse and Tulip have been hiding come out into the open when the two (now minus Cassidy) are kidnapped by Jesse's hillbilly family, and dragged to his homestead in the heartland, for a bout of tourture, brainwashing and murder.

Along the way, we learn all about Jesse's life, his childhood, how his father a good man, a marine just back from Vietnam met his mom who was on the run from her demented family. How they had Jesse but were then discovered by Jesse's Grandmother, who incidentially seems to be evil incarnate, and forced into a life of forced servitude. Jesse's father is consequently murdered in front of him, his mother dragged away, everything he knows and loves destroyed and he is tortured by being locked in a coffin at the bottom of a lake for weeks on end. Understandably, he is one screwed up guy. But when he got away from that life he thought he had made a clean break. Of course this is not so and Jesse once again finds himself in the hands of his Grandmother. The difference this time though is that Granny has God on her side! Really, he's living in her bedroom!!! I don't get it either, but things sure are getting screwed up with this book...

I've got to be honest with you guys, I'm not actually sure I like this book so much. It's got a good premise, but it's so twisted I'm not sure it's really for me. There's so much blood and gore, and screwed up shit. I'm not saying I mind a little violence in my reading material, and I'm glad to see a comic with so much balls; but perhaps it's going a bit too far. I can't give it a bad mark because it's really very well done, but maybe it just isn't for me. I'll give it some more issues and see if it grows on me. Beware though, if you do pick up this book, it is very graphic, and very dark.

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