Title - 5 - Say a Prayer For Seven Bullets
Title - 6 - New York's Finest
Title - 7 - N.Y.P.D. Blue
Issue - 5 - 7

Writer - Garth Ennis
Artist - Steve Dillon
Colourist - Matt Hollingsworth
Letterer - Clem Robins
Assistant Editor - Julie Rottenberg
Editor - Stuart Moore
Created by - Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon
Loki Cel Scan (6, 7)

I think it makes more sense to review comic book in set story arcs. It's hard to make judgment on something that hasn't been finished yet, so this seems like a good place to start. This is the second story arc for Preacher, and although I didn't get to finish the first one, I think I've picked up all the relevant points. As this arc opens we find Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy on their way to New York to find one of Cassidy's old buddies. A reporter who's into mystical and generally unbelievable stuff. Cassidy, who it's been revealed is actually a vampire, thinks this friend of his might have some leads as to where they might be able to find God. The Saint of Killers appears to be gone, weather for good, or just for the moment we don't know, and the Heavenly cadre doesn't even pop up in this story arc... so maybe I did miss one or two things along the way, but I'm sure it'll all make sense eventually.

We start this story by meeting two of New York's Finest hot on the trail of a serial killer, Paulie Bridges, a tough golden-boy of a supercop, and his screw up good hearted partner Johnny Tool. Tool might mean well, but as he says, he's the most unlucky cop in the world. If it weren't for his partner saving his ass all the time he'd be dead a dozen times over. But golden-boy Paulie has some dark secrets too. This plotline runs parallel to that of our friends Jesse and co. But by the end we see that they are of course intertwined in some pretty surprising ways. Speaking of Jesse, he still hasn't found out what Tulip's dark secret is, what she's been up to... and Tulip still hasn't gotten the answer out of Jesse as to where the hell he went to five years ago.

This whole story is a little too dark for me. I think I'd prefer more of the Heaven and Hell stuff to this real world violence and gore. Reading this comic sometimes feels like I'm watching one of the Hannibal Lector films. It's interesting and disturbing, but you really don't want to do it all the time. And the gore does get to you after a while. Anyhow, the story itself is pretty decent, maybe I'm just a suck, not able to hack the hard stuff. Whatever... there's just a bit too much for me here, I'm just going to push on to the next storyline.

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