Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina Blows, Part 2

Getting back to the hurricane, today is supposed to be . To donate money to help with the disaster, you can go to the Red Cross (Canada) web site.

I also recommend taking a look at the blog I linked to yesterday. It's fascinating and scary...reading like a post-apocalyptic work of fiction, except real. There is information here that cannot be expressed through the news.

This demonstrates a real change that is happening in the world: blogging (and the internet in general) allows information to travel way quicker and often more accurately than traditional media like radio and television. Fifteen years ago it would have seemed crazy to be able to get a first-hand account of a disaster happening halfway around the world, in real-time as it happens, with photos and live video and everything.

Speaking of photos, the one above is both funny and demonstrative of the chaos happening in New Orleans. Wow.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Katrina Blows

Wow. Looks like hurricane Katrina has finally affected me directly. You can't reach this web site through any more, because apparently the computers that directed people here were blown away by the hurricane. I noticed that my web site wasn't working, so I went to my internet provider thing and they linked to this web site, where there is a first-hand account of the chaos going on there, from the people who direct people to It's scary seeing a real personal account like this. The authorities apparently have no control over New Orleans...there are fires and shootings going on...and the guy who's writing this just recently found out his parents are alive. Tomorrow is supposed to be the official "Help Katrina Victims With Your Blog Day" (it has a real name but I forget it), so I'll post links for help and stuff tomorrow. Not that anyone will see it until surfaces from the flood, but hopefully that will be soon enough to do some good.

In other scary Katrina news, Fats Domino is missing in New Orleans. This seems to just keep getting worse.