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Terry Fuller

Instructional Development Consultant
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Vancouver, British Columbia

Where I've Been

I was born in San Francisco, California, and raised in San Jose. In 1981, I moved to Canada, and became a Canadian in 1987. During the 1990s I lived in Mexico for a couple of years, and two years in Oman (one of the Gulf States). While working for BCIT, I have consulted in a number of countries like Chile, Jamaica, Mexico and Thailand. Since I love to travel and experience different cultures, it's been fabulous. 

My Life as an Educator

I guess you could say that I specialize in faculty development. I consult with faculty at BCIT when they want to improve their teaching, put a course, or part of a course, online. I have a master's degree in Instructional Technology (instructional design and development) from San Jose State University, so I guess that makes me a bit of an expert in these things. But, to be honest, I am always learning new things, always a novice.

Which is good for this field, as the technology is constantly changing. What is exciting now is that better technology is emerging at the same time that brain research is uncovering new things about how we learn. One of my favourite websites below covers this (How People Learn).  Once you think you're an expert, you find out you're out of date. It behooves us to be humble!

al-asha-fort1-1 My teaching style is "guide on the side". I like learners to work in groups as much as possible. Some of my best courses have been teaching workshops in Oman where I was coaching faculty to integrate technology into their lessons. I got them to surf the net to find their hometown newspapers, make their own homepages, upload pictures, etc. It was great  because most of them were away from home and family (for example, many of them were from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, etc.), so I had their attention from the beginning!

My biggest teaching challenge was in Oman. I was trying to convince the mullahs that the Internet was a good thing for education. During my first workshop, I had participants sign up with Hotmail for their email accounts. I was using a laptop projector, and what do you think was projected on the wall? An advertisement for "soft porn!" Thanks to Allah, and lucky for me, they didn't know what it meant!

When I'm Not Working...

Last summer we went sailing to some pretty exotic places in the British Columbia Gulf Islands. Jedadiah Island was my favourite. I was also able to scare the bejezus out of myself when we encountered some small-craft-warning winds. Got some notches in my belt for that one!

lacapitan I have a pleasure craft operator's license and have taken the Power Squadron course (that's me at the helm!). One of the best things I ever did for myself! 

We recently bought a canoe that will take us to other places we haven't been before in B.C. We have taken canoeing lessons, and have the first level lakewater certificates. We also do some biking. Last New Year's Eve we took the ferry to Salt Spring Island, then biked 14 kilometres into Ganges. It wasn't by design, but rather we took the wrong ferry. The right ferry would have landed us only 3 kilometres from where we wanted to be. However, we still had enough vim and vigour to stay up to welcome in 2002.


Clambay3 I am a pretty good photographer, and I love to photograph all the different places I go. Life is a journey, and I want to remember the beauty along the way.  

This is one of my favourite spots in the Gulf Islands - Clam Bay. It's always so peaceful and serene (at least the times I have been there!).


Web Sites I Like

Here are some of my favourite spots!



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