The Wiccan Calander

October 31 - November 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabbat: Samhain

November 21 & 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Musemass

December 20 & 21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabbat Yule

December 24 & 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mooranect

January 15 & 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skill Fest

February 1 & 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabbat: Brigid's Day

February 28 - March 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hearth Day

March 20 & 21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabbat: Alban Eilir

March 31 - April 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vertmass

April 30 - May 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabbat: Beltaine

May 29 & 30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Memory Day

June 23 & 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabbat: Midsummer

July 19 & 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunfest

July 31 - August 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabbat: Lammas

August 12 & 13 ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diana's Day

August 24 & 25 ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day of Tides

September 20 & 21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabbat: Alban Elfed

October 11 & 12 ~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eldmas


The Sabbats

Sabbat Samhain (October 31 - November 1)

Halloween takes place on October 31 and is an old Celtic Feast of Samhain. It is a Feast of the Dead and it is a Fire Festival in recognition of the end of summer and the beginning of winter.

Sabbat: Yule (December 20 & 21)

Yule is a Midwinter Festival. It takes place at Winter Solstice when the sun enters Capricorn. The generally accepted date is December 21 but purists may adjust the day according to the sun's postion. The feast is basically in celebration of the rebirth of the sun, the day when the sun, at it's weakest, begins again to strengthen. Tradtional midwinter observences include lighting fires both inside & outside houses and decorating houses with holly, ivy, mistletoe, bay, rosemary and branches of box trees.

Sabbat: Brigid's Day (February 1 & 2)

The calander gives February 1 as the Feast of St. Brigid the great Celtic Mother Goddess. It is also call Candlemas because alter candles are blessed on that day.

Sabbat: Alban Eilir (March 20 & 21)

The spring equinox takes place on March 21, which is usually regarded as the first day of spring. The Druids called this day "Alban Eilir". It should be the day on which the sun enters Aries. Purists may choose to use a more accurate date.

Sabbat: Beltaine

The Feast Beltain, May 1, is an ancient European Fire Festival. Traditional practices are dancing around the Maypole and the election of May Queen.

Sabbat: Midsummer Eve (June 23 &24)

This day is also known as St. John's Eve. Throughout Europe is was once a Fire Festival in which the symbol of the wheel, representing the turning of the year at this time the summer solstice was used. Midsummer fire festicals are still common in North Africa among the Berbers and in some parts of the Middle East.

Sabbat: Lammas (July 31 - August 1)

Lammas, August 1, is a festival traditionally devoted to the celebration of the first Corn Harvest. It is also, in Celtic tradition, the Feast of Lugh, the Sun God. It is also called Lughnasadh. It also seems to have been a mourning feast for the dead Sun God, who would not rise again until the spring. It is a Harvest Festival, as well as a Fire Festival.

Sabbat: Alban Elfeld (September 20 & 21)

The autumn equinox occurs when the sun moves into Libra. It is usually celebrated on September 21. The ancient Druid name is "Alban Elfeld".



Table of Correspondences

Wiccan Calander & Sabbats

Alter Creation & Setup

Excerpts from my Book of Shadows

Wiccan Tools and Their Uses


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