Book: The Authority
Story: All Tomorrow's Parties: An Interlude

Issue: #21



This issue is just what it say it is; an interlude. This single issue story goes a bit more in depth into the histories and emotions of Jackson King and Christine (I'm not sure hre last name). Anyhow, these two characters were member of Stormwatch. Or at least advisors to it. They both work for, or at least have ties to the UN and the US government. The Authority have at times been using them as resources of information and the like. But their relationship with the members of 'The Authority' has become strained as it is pretty obvious they're being used. Jackson seems to be a high level psychic and Christine has some sort of powers too. Unfortunately I'm not overly familiar with these characters past so I don't totally understand where they're comming from.

Regardless, the story is about a party on The Carrier. Jackson and Christine arrive and proceed to have a somewhat miserable time. King gets mad and has a row with Hawksmoor. He doesn't appriciate being used, and the steps 'The Authority' has been taking lately. Christine has some sort of weird energy flash also, resulting in them both making a decision. They're going to get married; then (at least it's implied) get even with 'The Authority'. Will they form their own super human team? Will they be any match for the Authority? These questions are left up in the air.

The Baddie:


The Good Stuff:

The Not So Good:

The Best Scene:



A weird little interlude. I think obviously I'm not in the best position to review what happened here because I don't totally understand it myself. I'd say that probably this means that King and Christine are going to go out gater a team of heros and try and kick The Authority's butt, but than again, I'm not familiar with the players enough to make that call. I liked Jackson King here better than before. He was fleshed out nicely. He's got some serious emotional and probably psychological issues going on. I just don't know yet. I didn't mind not understanding, it's just frusterating. Ah well, you can't win em all. And there were some nice elements to this story. Like the Authority arguing over who'se got to got confront Jackson, and the wine turning to blood. Maybe King has been takin over by some sort of evil entity. It's hardto really tell. We'll just have to wait and see what becomes of it all I guess.

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