Book: The Authority
Story: Earth Inferno

Issue: #17-20



Earth Inferno is another story tackling a grand plot, and in some ways it succeeds, but mostly I was just bored reading this story. 'The Authority' seems to be slipping into a bit of a slump. They understand that they were successful with big explosive cataclysms. But it's getting a bit old. The destruction is rehashed, and insipid; and the body count is literally overkill. The story revolves around the Earth deciding that 'The Authority' and really just humans in general are bad news. The 'spirit' of the Earth has turned on us and is doing it's damnedest to kill us off. This might also have a little something to do with 'The Authority' killing God a few issues back. Anyhow, we're in trouble and the only person who might be able to help is 'The Shaman', of course he's just OD and is in a hospital in Sydney. Rome is barraged with tornadoes, Manhatten flattened by a tidal wave, and San Fransisco is buried as the San Andres fault is ripped open. The destruction continues as 'The Authority' attempt to alleviate the disaster by evacuating the Earth's population to alternate realities, and calling upon the former Shaman (you know, the insane one, who once as a member of Stormwatch murdered three countries!). Craziness ensues, as a battle for the planet erupts.

The Baddie:

The Earth/The Former Shaman

I’m not really sure how to approach this one. The Earth turns on man, but then again The Authority did KILL GOD!?! How is it supposed to react. And this former Shaman guy. What the hell is his problem. So what, he gets off on killing people, a good villain that does not make. Anyhow, I don’t know his name because it’s never revealed. But I do know that he’s pretty dopey looking and I wasn’t remotely impressed with his ability to put his body back together. Very uninspired…

The Good Stuff:

The Not So Good:

The Best Scene:



This has got to be the worst storyline so far. It doesn't even make any sense. Why the hell does the new Shaman give his powers over to the old Shaman at all. Does he plan to trick him . And if the power has passed back to the old Shaman, how come he doesn't know about the trick? There are too many plot holes here. The body count is ridiculous. And come on, honestly evacuating the entire Earth's population to alternate realities!?? What kind of bullshit is this? I'm more than a little peeved off here. The artwork is shoddy, even after Quitely returns, and the characters have become farcical. I didn't enjoy any of the larger elements of this story, the only redeeming factor was some of the smaller moments.

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