How a Bully Brings Enlightenment 
into the Classroom . . .

Sid the Mad Little Bad Little Dragon (the tale of a bully) is a children's picture
book that "happened to us" five years ago.  It wasn't contrived or planned or
even thought about, it just became the by-product of my search for enlightenment.
This project quickly took on a life of its own and was published in June of 1998.

As author and illustrators, we didn't realize that through the venue of this
simple picture book, we would be able to bring life messages to students.
When we first started being invited into the schools, back in 1998,  we thought
our visits were going to be about promoting our book.  We quickly realized that
our discussions were far more important than book sales.

During our presentations, we talk to students about writing, illustrating, and
publishing, but most importantly we talk to them about life.  While sharing the
story, we are able to explore the actions of the characters and evoke
discussion about the way we treat one another.  This is a simple story, but it
gets kids thinking . . . about their actions and the consequences of their

There is no simple solution to the problem of bullying, but certainly raising the
awareness of children at an early age is a good place to start; almost like
"philosophy for kids".  You'd be surprised what a calming effect these 
discussions have on young students.

We make them aware that:

This book allows us to bring these messages into the classroom.  No matter
what school we have visited, large or small, affluent or innercity, in the end the
response is always the same.  The kids love "Sid" because he finally felt
ashamed of his actions, and in that realization he was able to find a friend.
When we leave the school,  the students are happy, hopeful and maybe a little
more thoughtful about their own actions.  Kids should feel this way every day,
not just one day out of their life when an author and illustrator are invited for
a visit.

Chris Daniels

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