Please allow us . . .  
to introduce a delightful new picture book,  
"Sid the Mad Little Bad Little Dragon".   
It's the tale of a bully,  written in rhyme using  
a unique new font called KIDSPRINT.   
This font, placed onto the traditional red and blue primary printing guidelines, was implemented to simplify the relationship between reading and  
printing for young students. 


Children relate to the simplicity of the rhyming story 
and can easily identify with the characters.  We have 
had an exciting response from elementary schools, 
who are inviting the author and illustrators as guest 
speakers for their students.  This book is being used 
as a tool to open the door for much needed  
discussion about bullying, respect, compassion and 

Recently, the author and illustrators were surprised on one of their presentation days when they were greeted by a room full of "Sids"!  The students were so enthused with the "Sid" story, prior to the visit, that they were inspired to make their own dragon masks.  Educators and teachers say this book is making an important contribution to early education.  Both primary teachers and pre-school parents tell us that it is a welcome resource.  They find that the rhyming story plants a seed of compassion as it introduces the first steps in primary reading and printing.  
All characters and text are © 1998 Oddity's End Inc.
KIDSPRINT ® is a registered trademark of Paul and Natalie Daniels
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