Another fine copyrighted artwork of artist Amy Quarnberg of Utah. Amy specialises in pencil and watercolour pet images. This particular image of a wolf stalking, is, Amy says, a "scratchboard" and appears here with her express permission. Through the above link you can see it in even bigger size. Her "Pet Portraits" website is here and many examples of her work can be seen via that site.

What is a "scratchboard" you might ask. Amy tells me that a scratchboard is a white thick paper, with a layer of black on the top. You use a scratch tool (with a metal tip that is sharp like a needle) to scratch off the black. So every part that is white in the finished drawing has been 'scratched' off the black paper surface. (But you've got to know where to scratch!)

On another page on this site, I invited you to see another of Amy's fine works and do so again. Click here.

I gather that Amy is in the process of moving her site. So it is possible that the URL just provided, and the first URL I gave (to her original wolf image) may not work very much longer.

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