The Poetry of JoAnn Jackson

(aka brats5va)


Someone's Grandfather

(this is for you, Granddaddy)


Someone's Grandfather sits woodenly

totem still, but for fluttering hands.

His memories are getting harder to grasp

like grains of wind blown sand.

Someone's Grandfather sits in forever silence

staring off into space.

Trapped in the nothingness

that is reflected on his face.


Still, someone's Granddaughter comes to visit

And every now and then

perceives a spark of brief recognition

when she asks, "Granddad, remember when...?"


Someone's Grandfather is loved.

Someone's Granddaughter has not forgotten.


Poetry by: JoAnn McEntire Jackson

copyright JoAnn McEntire Jackson 2001, 2002



There Go I...

Mumbling to herself

she sits on sad streets.

Everything she owns

lays bagged at her feet.


There go I, but for the blessing

of friends and family,

who would see that I was fed

and had a roof to shelter me.


There go I, but for God's good grace,

in the same ill fitting shoes.

Unkempt and unsheltered

with little left to lose.


Poetry by: JoAnn McEntire Jackson

copyright JoAnn McEntire Jackson 2001, 2002

These candles burn in memory of Christine - my niece, my sister, my best friend.  Rest in the arms of angels Chris, you will live in my heart forever.