Post-op Instructions Breast Augmentation

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The following information is given to all our patients scheduled for breast augmentation:

Post-operative Course:

The healing time for a given procedure varies between different patients.  The following represents the general recovery you might expect following your breast augmentation.  Individual patients may experience variations from this course. 

When you awake from your surgery, you will be in the recovery room with your bra already on.  When you have fully recovered from the sedation, you will be able to go home.  You will be given a prescription for pain medication and antibiotics.  It is extremely important you take the antibiotics to prevent infection.

Pain and Discomfort:

You may feel some pain and discomfort, but this is generally well controlled by pain medications. Most patients experience a moderate degree of discomfort for up to 7-14 days.

Nausea and Vomiting:

A few patients react to the anesthetic after surgery with nausea and vomiting.  This usually lasts less than 24 hours and should be treated with lots of fluids, Gravol and rest.

Swelling and Bruising:

Maximum swelling occurs at about 3-5 days.  Most bruising and swelling will resolve within 14 days.



You can start taking showers on the second day after surgery.  When taking a shower, remove the bra and tensor bandage.  Take off the gauze + vaseline mesh that is taped over your incision. The small white tapes (called steri-strips) that are under the gauze directly over your incision should be left on.

Wet and soap yourself everywhere, including the tapes and your incisions.  Use mild soap such as Dove, Ivory, or Zest.  Pat yourself dry using a towel (do not rub) and put your bra and tensor back on.  You don’t need to cover the small white tapes over your incision.  This daily routine will help keep the incisions clean, and will promote wound healing.

Do not submerge yourself in a bath, swimming pool, or whirlpool for 2 weeks.



For the first three days following surgery you should try to restrict your arm movements.  Move your arms slowly and avoid sudden jerky movements of the chest and breast area.  Keep your arms as close to your body as possible.

Dr. Edelstein encourages walking starting immediately post-op.  This activity will greatly minimize the risk of deep clots in your leg veins.

After three days, we encourage you to resume relatively normal non-strenuous activities.  Avoid strenuous exertion or lifting activities.

You may begin your regular exercise routine 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, except upper body weight training.  Upper body weight training and push-ups should not be done until 6 weeks.  Particularly when implants are placed under the chest muscle, upper body weight training before 6 weeks could cause the implants to be pushed upwards.

You should plan to be off work for up to 5-7 days, although this can vary from person to person.

Although implants can rupture, normal physical activities, contact, and sexual relations will not significantly increase the risk of rupture and should be enjoyed.



It is quite uncommon, but Dr. Edelstein may need to place a soft drain under your breast that will be removed within a day or two.  This helps to minimize the risk of blood collecting around the implant in patients who appear to bleed a lot during the surgery.


Bra or Support Garment

You should wear the bra day and night for the first 4 weeks.

If the implant has been placed under the chest muscle, you may be required to wear a tensor bandage wrapped around your chest at the top of the breasts for the first 2 weeks as well.



Sutures are removed at 10-14 days after surgery.



Although it is best to sleep on your side or back initially, sleeping on your front should not cause injury or rupture to the implant.


Breast Monitoring

Implants do not cause cancer but may obscure its detection.  Mammograms should be performed at a facility familiar with the special techniques needed for implants.  Remember to tell the technician you have implants.


Exercises following Breast Augmentation (Very Important)

The purpose of these exercises is to keep the scar tissue that forms around implants as soft as possible.  By performing these exercises as described, you can help soften the internal scar, minimize the risk of significant capsular contracture and maximize the likelihood of a soft, natural feel and appearance to your breast.

Begin doing the exercises after the sutures are removed (10 - 14 days after the surgery).  It is important to remember that a slow steady stretch is more effective than a quick jerky movement.  Don't worry about injuring the implant, you cannot cause a rupture with these exercises.

1.  Press the breasts slowly and maximally inwards (towards your breast bone) and hold for 10 seconds, then release.  Repeat 4 times.

2.  Press the breasts apart slowly and maximally outwards and hold for 10 seconds,       then release.  Repeat 4 times.

3.  Repeat for downward movement. 

4.  Repeat for upward movement.

5.  The most important movements are inward and upward.

6.  Perform these exercises 4 times per day for the first 3 months, then once a day for the duration of the implants.



The quality of your cosmetic enhancement may be compromised if you fail to return for any scheduled post-op visits, or follow the pre- and post-operative instructions.

Don’t hesitate to report any unusual or concerning changes.