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If you are looking for information on specific cosmetic procedures, please visit our main website at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Surgeon Toronto Ontario


The following section contains general information about what to expect around the time of your cosmetic surgery, including pre-operative preparation and the post-operative recovery period. Potential complications will also be discussed.


Comprehensive written instructions will be given to you to help you prepare for the surgery. The following is a review of the important points:

Two weeks before surgery:

Do not take any aspirin-containing products, anti-inflammatories (e.g. ibuprofen, advil, motrin), blood thinners (e.g. coumadin, warfarin, anacrot), or vitamin E for 14 days prior to your operation. These medications thin the blood and greatly increase the risk of bleeding. Tylenol can be taken safely.

All other medications may be taken, but please make sure Dr. Edelstein and the anesthesiologist are aware of any medications you take, including any herbal, diet, or alternative drugs.

Smoking should be stopped at least 2 weeks prior to your operation, and you should refrain from smoking at least 2 weeks after the operation as well. Smoking greatly increases the risk of poor wound healing and even skin loss.

Please notify our office prior to your surgery if you develop a cold or infection.

Night Before and Day of Surgery:

Nothing to eat or drink (not even water) after midnight the night before, and morning of surgery. If you do eat or drink, your surgery will likely be canceled.

You can take all your regular medications (for example, cardiac or blood pressure pills) on the morning of surgery with a small sip of water (except those mentioned above !!). Please check with Dr. Edelstein if you are unsure.

You must arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you on the first night after your procedure. If you are staying overnight, someone should drive you home the next morning.

Remove all make-up and nail polish the night before surgery.

If you are having facelift or browlift surgery, wash your face with soap and shampoo your hair the night before surgery.

If you are having breast surgery, make sure you have a wireless bra available to bring into the operating room:
For breast reduction patients, an old bra will do.
For breast augmentation patients, a bra with a larger cup size (B, C, D etc) will be necessary. Your chest circumference, however, will remain the same (the "number", for example, 32, 34, 36 etc will remain the same). It is more convenient if the clasp is in the front rather than in back. A good bra for breast augmentation patients is the Triumph Sports Bra Style # 826 (available at most department stores).

Do not bring any money, jewelry, or other valuables with you.

Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing that is easy to put on and take off (e.g. sweat pants, button or zipper shirt). All patients having facial surgery or a laser procedure should not wear any pull-over type garments, but rather clothes that do up with buttons or a zipper.

You should not operate a motor vehicle or hazardous machinery for 24 hours following your procedure.

Be prepared to take time off work. In general, at least 5-7 days (this varies quite a bit depending on the procedure). Try to avoid strenuous work or exercise during this period. It is helpful to have someone at your home that can assist you.


Photographs are taken either in the office or on the day of surgery. Clinical photography is an important part of your medical record, just like x-rays. We do not show before and after photographs of our patients without their consent.




When you awake from your surgery, you will be in the recovery room. A nurse will be present to take care of you. You may have a dressing or support garment on. If you are not staying overnight, you will be able to go home when you have fully recovered from the sedation. A prescription for pain medication and possibly antibiotics will be ready for you. Dr. Edelstein can be contacted at any time (including after hours) if any questions or concerns arise. You will be seen within a few days of the surgery to ensure your recovery is progressing normally.

The healing time for a given procedure varies between different patients. Dr. Edelstein will review the general recovery you might expect. Individual patients may experience variations from this course.

Complete written instructions are provided to you for the post-operative period, including instructions regarding Washing, Activities and Exercise, Make-up, Sutures and Drains, and Massage.


The following is a list of common things that can occur in the post-operative period:

Pain and Discomfort: you may feel some pain and discomfort, but this is generally well controlled by pain medications. Most patients experience a moderate degree of discomfort for the first week or so.

Nausea and Vomiting: a few patients react to the anesthetic after surgery with nausea and vomiting. This usually lasts less than 24 hours and should be treated with lots of fluids, Gravol, and rest.

Swelling: maximum swelling occurs at about 3-5 days. Most of the swelling will be gone in 2 or 3 weeks, but small amounts can last longer. The final result can be assessed at 3 or 4 months.

Bruising: most bruising resolves within 10-14 days. Some light discolouration can last longer.

Drainage: small amounts of fluid or blood can leak from your incision for the first 2-3 days - this is normal and helps to remove any excess fluid or blood present

Sensory changes: many patients experience numbness over the treatment areas. Over time, the feeling will gradually return to normal in most patients, usually by 3 months if not sooner.

Scar redness: Scars will initially be red and a little raised, but over 3-6 months they usually get lighter in colour and flatten out. Occasionally, scars on the breast or body may take up to a year to fade completely.


There is a very common pattern of adjustment after cosmetic surgery. Initial post-operative excitement and euphoria ("You made it!") can become concern and sometimes even depression ("Why did I do this?"). This is followed by approval and contentment. Recognizing this pattern and realizing that it will settle will help ease the tension.

Family & Friends:

Support from family and friends is very helpful, but, because they may not understand what constitutes a normal postoperative course, their comments may unintentionally create emotional turmoil for you. We will tell you honestly how you are doing. Please trust in our knowledge and experience when we discuss your progress with you.

Although plastic surgery has certainly become more visible in the past decade, your friends may still be reluctant to bring up and discuss what they believe is a private matter. Patients occasionally feel upset that "no one noticed" or "said anything". If you feel comfortable discussing your surgical experience, do so openly. When people ask you how you are, respond by saying, "I feel wonderful. I just had cosmetic surgery and I'm recovering." This lets people know that they may talk freely with you. Often when patients are open, they find that their friends and acquaintances are very interested in discussing the subject.


A major factor contributing to smooth, uncomplicated post-operative recovery involves carefully following the post-operative instructions given to you by Dr. Edelstein. Such guidelines are designed to promote the healing process and to prevent the occurrence of anything which may interfere with recovery. Your cooperation and close attention is extremely important and in your best interest.




Complications can occur with any surgical procedure. Although most patients don’t experience any complications, you have to be willing to accept that they are possible. The importance of having a highly qualified surgeon cannot be overstated. Dr. Edelstein uses his knowledge and experience to try and prevent complications before they occur. If a complication does occur, he uses those same skills in an attempt to solve the problem quickly. Most complications cause an extension of the recovery period rather than any permanent effect on the final result. Infrequently, complications may require additional surgery, healing time, and expense.

The following is a list of complications that can occur with any surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Edelstein will also review risks that are associated with your particular procedure.

Hematoma (blood collection): small collections under the skin are allowed to absorb spontaneously. Larger hematomas may require aspiration or even surgical drainage.

Infection: infections are usually treated with antibiotics. Development of an abscess may require surgical drainage.

Wound separation or Delayed healing: wound disruption or delayed healing is possible, particularly if there is an infection. Incisions may take a long time to heal and require frequent dressing changes. Smokers and Diabetics have a greater risk of skin loss and wound healing complications due to decreased blood flow.

Scarring: excessive scarring is uncommon. In rare cases, abnormal scars may result. Scars may be unattractive and of different color than surrounding skin. Additional treatments including surgery may be necessary to treat abnormal scarring.

Injury to deeper structures: nerves and muscles may be injured during surgery. The occurrence of such injuries is rare.

Serious complications (eg. pulmonary embolism, severe allergic reactions to medications, heart attack): these are rare but potentially life-threatening. Having a board certified anesthesiologist present at your surgery reduces these risks as much as possible.

Poor results: while the procedures are performed with a high degree of success, poor results can occur (eg. asymmetry, poor scars). Minimal differences are usually acceptable. Larger differences may require additional procedures.