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Breast Augmentation Toronto Ontario

Breast Implant Implants Toronto Ontario

Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implants

Toronto, Ontario


Cohesive gel implants are the newest type of silicone implant. These implants are filled with a thicker type of silicone. When you cut into a cohesive gel implant, nothing oozes out. It is similar to cutting into a gummy-bear or jello. In contrast, when you cut into a regular silicone implant, the liquid silicone gel leaks out.

Cohesive gel implants have been used in Europe since 1995, and have been available in Canada since 2000. In 2007, plastic surgeons in the United States began using them as well. They are usually anatomically shaped and have a textured surface, although smooth and textured round implants are now available as well.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cohesive gel implants ?

One of the biggest advantages is that cohesive implants feel more natural. They feel much more like a real breast. Compared to saline breast implants, rippling is much less common with cohesive gels because they are semi-solid. Deflation, which occurs with saline implants, does not occur with cohesive gels. If a cohesive gel implant ruptures, it maintains both its shape and integrity. As well, there are multiple models of cohesive gel implants that vary with respect to projection, height, and width. This provides flexibility in determining the appropriate implant size to balance body proportions and breast aesthetics. Cohesive gels generally produce less unnatural upper breast fullness as compared to saline implants.

A disadvantage of cohesive implants is that they require a slightly larger incision for insertion, because they are semi-solid. Due to this, these implants are often placed through an incision in the fold under the breast ("infra-mammary"). If the nipple-areola is large enough, a nipple incision could possibly be used instead. Dr. Edelstein is one of a handful of plastic surgeons in Canada that can place smooth, round cohesive gel implants through an armpit incision in carefully selected patients. Cohesive implants are more expensive than saline implants.

Who should consider cohesive gel implants?

Cohesive gel implants are indicated for women who are looking for a natural-shaped and proportionate-sized breast augmentation. They are especially suited to thin women who want to avoid the "feelability" of saline implants. In thin women, saline implants can often be felt, particularly over the outer-lower aspect of the breast.

Cohesive gels are best for a "proportionate" augmentation in women with relatively symmetric breasts.

What should I do if I’m interested in cohesive gel implants ?

The first step is to arrange a consultation with Dr. Edelstein. At the consultation, Dr. Edelstein will discuss all aspects of the surgery with you, including the various implant options available. He will also review choices for incisions, whether to place the implant under the breast alone, or under the breast and chest muscle, and the best size for you depending on your personal goals and expectations.