Mike Battista

Another blog from a boring old grad student whose name happens to be Mike Battista.

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Name:Michael E. Battista

Location:London, Ontario, Canada

My name is Mike Battista. I am a 25 year old grad student, going to the University of Western Ontario. I am currently studying psychology in the area of personality, measurement, and cognitive psychology. This web site will contain lots of informational goodness about me, but it is currently under construction. I'll also use this as a blog with updates on my life, so I have a record of what I've done when my memory fails me. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Under Construction

You know what I think I'll do with this web site? I'll make it my "professional" site, where I can record my school and career related activities. Sort of like a super-detailed CV / resume. I can also deal with topics directly related to my schooling and research, like philosophical and detailed psychological stuff. It will probably not be interesting to anybody except me, but that's OK.

Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to start today, so this will have to remain as a crappy under-construction site for now. Later!



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