HOME========VISUALS========HISTORY========MEMBERS========EVENTS========DIRECTOR PHB_Drumline

James D. Burton
Drum Instructor

Sheridan College, Applied Photography

Extra-Curricular Activities

Head Drum Instructor-Conqueror ll Drum and Bugle Corps, Hamilton, Ont. from 1996-99;
Drum Line Section Leader-Spirit Winter Percussion, Toronto, Ont. from 1995-96.;
Member-Kiwanis Kavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps, Kitchener, Ont. from 1994-96;
Seasonal Percussion Instructor-Northview High School, Charlotte, North Carolina, from 1996-98.

The Spirit Winter Percussion won the Bronze medal at WGI Championships in Phoenix, Arizona in 1996,
and fifth place in final competition at the WGI Championships in Dayton, Ohio in 1995.
The Kiwanis Kavaliers was Division ll finalist and took top percussion in 1995.

Jamie has been involved with music for over 15 years. During these years, he has participated in various aspects
of marching percussion. Jamie began playing the bass drum at age 12 with the Conqueror II Drum and Bugle Corps.
As his interest in music and quick hands developed, Jamie graduated to the snare drum and has been there since.
He marched with Conqueror II for 6 years and with the Canadian National Champions Kiwanis Kavaliers for 3 years.
He also played snare and was section leader for the Spirit Indoor Percussion Ensemble who were bronze medal
winners at the Winter Guard International Championships.

His teaching experience began with the Conqueror II 1996. While attending Sheridan College,
Jamie instructed youth ages 10 - 21 in the rudiments of percussion playing. During the summer of 2001,
he worked with the drum line of the Dutch Boy Drum and Bugle Corps. In addition to working with the drumline
of PHB for the past five years, Jamie also works with the Kiwanis Kavaliers Drum and Bugle corps
and marches with the Royaliers Senior Corps.

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