comics by people too poor to publish
the future is bad for you forum
all content is copyright ©2002 of the creators. credit them for it and don't steal it.
the comics we've made:
sticks and stones
written and drawn by chad nevett

about whatever chad wants to do it about. chad the christ is a regular feature here

an ongoing serial

written by chad nevett and drawn by amanda cocurullo
colours by karl smith

david likes susie and wants to ask her out. but what if she says no? or laughs? or calls him "geek-boy?" will he be able to overcome his fear and do it?

one-shot story serialized page-by-page

alone in the crowd
written and drawn by chad nevett

david talks about his social life a little

a one-shot story

incandescent: why i hate x-ray vision
written by chad nevett and drawn by terry boyle

incandescent can control light and uses that power to gain x-ray vision. the only problem is he can't shut it off

one-shot story

written and drawn by chad nevett

the interrogation of a suspect for an unknown crime done in black and white panels

one-shot story

coming soon:
written and drawn by jonny hughes

jacob friday and isis chandler are two mysterious infoterrorists who travel from city to city unearthing the past misdeeds of corporations, institutions, politicians, anyone. if you have a skeleton in your closet, they'll find it. and then they'll broadcast it on the net

an ongoing serial

written by lorcan nagle and drawn by tba

a post-apocalyptic police force desperately tries to keep the peace in a wild and unforgiving frontier. as they travel across an untamed US, they come to question their motives and ideals, and soon their world will change forever

an ongoing serial