McManus Creations can put a voice message of your choice on your web site.
Sound grabs the your Audience attention. Sound enhancement puts your Web site out in front the rest (ask about video too!)

Audio and Video on the Internet
With more than one format of playing audio and video materials on your computer, incorporating these features in web site helps to make your web pages more attractive and eye catching. The critical issue in most cases is how long it takes to load the audio and video. There are two situations:

If you want to play a short presentation or a small repeating loop, it will usually be downloaded in an appropriate format along with the other elements of the page and then played, either on demand or when the page loads.

For a longer audio file or video programs, the best approach is to use a streaming format such as RealAudio or RealVideo. In this case the material is stored on a special server as a file which can be very large. Instead of downloading and then playing these rather large file, only a short initial section is loaded to provide a buffer which allows you to play on through short variations in network speed. The material is then played out of one end of the buffer while new material is being loaded into the other end from the server. Because only the material actually in the buffer is stored in your computer, the result is much like listening to a radio broadcast. It can begin quickly regardless of the actual total length, and it can play indefinitely without filling up your computer.

Advanced streaming technologies will allow you to synchronize audio and video streams to create commented slide show presentations, to broadcast live audio and video presentations, and to tailor size and resolution of images and quality of sound to the user's connection speed, and even to the current state of internet traffic.

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