Email: Sue Peters













“Shamanic healing is a multi-faceted and flexible modality in all cultures because it begins and ends with the shaman consulting with God and the Spirits.  The shaman strives to be a clear vessel for God, the Mother, Father and Creator’s Love and Power to manifest to the client, helping them return to harmony with the Sacred.


While shamanic healing can have physical effects, these can’t be guaranteed.  The primary goal is to restore the client to union with the Sacred, and harmony with Creaton.  The underlying philosophy behind this goal is that, as Irish theologian Eriugena said, the only true source of suffering is separation from the Sacred.  Even experiences of pain or illness can be borne without suffering if held in awareness of Spirit.  Then, what happens in the worlds can hurt but never harm us.  We can more readily transcend even the transitory experience of pain when we hold it in spiritual awareness.” Author unknown



Guarani Shamanism (Ama Deus) - is an energy healing technique that has been used for the past 6000 years by the Guarani (pronounced Gau ra nee) Indians who live deep in the Amazon jungle of central Brazil. As the Guarani have always lived very close to nature, it’s easy to understand how their environment has influenced their spiritual methodology, resulting in a simple but extremely effective shamanic language.

According to their belief system there is no such thing as ‘illness’. In their view everything is Spirit, and it is outside forces which cause imbalance to occur. When the outside force (such as an unwanted spirit or energy) is removed, then the effect upon the physical body will be released and balance will be restored once more. 


The healing system was first brought to the West by Alberto Aguas, a third generation Brazilian healer. Both his mother and grandfather were doctors who also worked with energy healing, and for much of his life Alberto witnessed many healings and many different methods of delivering these healings. His family lived among the Guarani people for generations, providing them with medical care when needed, and as a result of their efforts to help the Indians, a mutual respect developed between the tribal shamans and the doctors. Eventually the shamans began to share their methods of healing and it was through this trusting relationship that the method has been passed along.





                Tupi Dancers                       Guarani Woman                      Guarani Shaman




      Click on “Guarani picture” to go to website                       Guarani Elders



INFORMATION Websites on the Guarani People:


The Indians Guarani


The Guarani of Tekoa Porã


Photos from the Village of Y’Apy


Guaraní Mythology






The Guarani have always lived close to nature and their environment. This lifestyle has greatly influenced their spiritual attitude and this healing energy is a way of life for them. The symbols they use form a kind of wordless shamanic language and it is through charging these sacred symbols with the power of Universal Love, that healing energy currents are transmitted into the human energy field thereby effecting healing by restoring equilibrium and balance.


In a Treatment Session, the Guarani Symbols / Energy are Directed Through the Meridian Chi Channels.



Taken from: Reiki and the Meridian System


Meridians are lines in the body through which chi runs.


Explanation of MERIDIANS






The Energy is also directed into the Solar Plexus and Third Eye


Our Will Centers are found behind the solar plexus and third eye and they are the locations for most entities, thoughtforms or blocked energy sources

(The Solar Plexus is the psychic center, our power center – and the center where our Inner Guidance System communicates to us.)


Solar PlexusThird Eye





The Guarani symbols are seen as energy vehicles.





Absentee Symbol ~ #3     Can be seen as a Ball of Light



Symbol #3


Distance Healing or Absentee Healing is a method of breaking the barriers of distance to shower a special healing energy towards a target (humans, animals, plants, buildings, planets, other dimensions or worlds, geographical locations, etc.)


The symbols are multidimensional in nature, they don’t have a predefined name, they don’t have a certain color, but they are designed for more specialized actions than those used in Reiki – and they are at least 6,000 years old.


Most of the techniques are visualized with the third eye, but

                                    the work can be done with the hands also.                   



Third EyeThird Eye 



The system is based on the passing of energy through an affective channel created between man and divinity, an opened gate for the divine love, that specifically works in us through the heart chakra. This channel is activated with a specific mantra, chanted three times, sustained by a breathing technique combined with a powerful visualization. The basic technique is extremely simple.





This wonderful healing energy can be used in many different situations and for many reasons. Some of its applications are listed below:


  1. Healing Yourself and others
  2. Healing Plants and Animals
  3. Healing those who are close to death (whether they ‘choose’ to continue living or not – healing can help a person make the transition if it is the right time)
  4. Helping departed souls make a smooth transition to the spirit world
  5. Purification of food and water ~ Working and communicating with Earth energies and  ‘Her’ cells…
  6. Dispelling negative energy
  7. Cleansing / protecting your home
  8. Physical, Mental and Emotional Healing
  9. Helping Babies make their transition into the physical world
  10. Receiving / bestowing spiritual gifts
  11. Gaining insight and wisdom through dreams
  12. Healing childhood traumas and drawing wisdom form past lives…
  13. Supporting world leaders
  14. Exorcism / Extractions, dissolving old habits and behaviors
  15. Sealing the Aura, restoring energy fields and repairing the extended nervous system.
  16. Psychic protection / self-defense
  17. Facilitating Spiritual development
  18. Cleansing, empowering and programming rocks & other objects





There are no prerequisites for this course…


Level One * Manual Included * $200.00

This is taught over a two to three day period.


·        Each student will receive a manual.

·        An in-depth explanation and study of 20 Guarani energy symbols

·        Two initiations into the Guarani energy

·        A shamanic breathing technique, self healing methods

·        How to treat others (including animals)

·        Long distant healing – world and planetary healing



Level Two * Manual Included $200.00
Two to three day training                



Panther Totem



If you have any Questions?  Or if you would

like to have the Guarani Shamanic Training in your community.


Please email:






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