Email: Sue Peters









Animal Connections

To truly understand the animals in our life, we need to put ourselves in their place, to feel what an animal feels, to see what an animal sees, and to move as the animal moves.  All of our senses need to come alive. We are fortunate to be human, because we have the opportunity to use our human abilities alongside our animal capacities.  Combining the human experience with the animal experience gives us the chance to realize our full potential as physical/spiritual beings.  When we develop the animal skills and senses within us, we shift ourselves into another realm of consciousness.  The animal lives in the moment, sees the perfection of each moment and delivers himself into the moment, with complete focus and concentration.  There is a simple joy in just observing, smelling, moving, tasting, loving… the analytical side is absent…everything just is. 


By becoming more in tune with the animal, we are given the opportunity to learn what respect truly means.  We are shown how to walk in nature with the complete acceptance of balance, harmony and peace.  Life and death are not big time issues.  They are just simple movements of energy.  Life force shifts from one body temple to another and to another… they flow like the water in a mountain stream, never really dying just changing and moving from one form to another.  The deeper you connect to the animals in your life, the deeper you connect to nature and become awakened to the amazing doorways that this powerful force, Mother Nature, provides for us.


When you begin to telepathically communicate with your animal friends, you may feel a flood of loving acceptance and joy flow to you.  This is the energy that our friends hold within them.  Even the most hostile animal holds this energy deep down inside. There is a core essence of loving acceptance settling within the soul of each animal.  The bonus in this is that we get to experience this feeling on a continual basis day after day when we communicate with our friends. 


Communicating involves letting go on our part, we cannot expect that the animal will see things or even feel things as we do.  In most cases they send us an abstract message that can make almost ‘no sense’ to us. But if you let go of your human perspective and ride with the feelings that animal is sending you, then the pictures become clearer and all falls into place. Learning to become the animal, activating your senses, getting in tune with nature and learning how to lovingly accept each person you meet, are good steps towards becoming the ideal Interspecies Communicator.


For more information on Animal Connections, please check with the

‘ABOUT ME’ page on my website.



Animal Communicators & Healing Practitioners



Workshops & Training: Instructor - Sue Peters

*           Animal (Telepathic) Communication I & II

*           Correspondence Training in Animal Communication 

*           Reiki for Small Animals

*           Simple Healing Techniques for Small Animals

*           Bach Flower Remedies for Small Animals

*           Shamanic Healing & Communicating Techniques with Animals

*           Developing Animal Sensory Awareness




For information or to register for any of the above classes… Email:




I also offer Holistic care for your pet's Health and Behavioral Problems.

*            Reiki

*            Bach Flower Remedies

*            Tellington Touch

*            Love Glove Healing Method (for Nervous System)

*            Acupressure Massage


I offer Telepathic Communication with your Animal Friends, either Long Distance or In-Person, for Health, Behavioral, Emotional or Physical problems. Contact me at





Lower your Veterinarian Costs and increase the longevity, physical, emotional and well being of your pets lives with REIKI, TELLINGTON TOUCH AND BACH FLOWER ESSENCES. Home visits and phone consultations are available..


Contact: Linda Buhler at 250 498-5141 or e-mail




1.      Turning of the head: This calming signal can be a swift movement, holding the head to one side, a tiny movement of the head, or turning the head from side to side. It can also be as slight as moving the eyes from side to side. If your dog is approached too quickly, or head-on, it may use the head-turn signal to tell the other dog to calm down or to calm itself. If you are angry with your dog, it may hold eye contact with you briefly, and then turn its head away in an attempt to calm you down.

2.      Turning to the side: Dogs will turn sideways or turn their backs on an approaching or aggressive dog. The next time you encounter a fearful or nervous dog, turn sideways or turn backwards. More likely than not, the dog will then approach you.

3.      Licking: Licking the nose is a calming signal that dogs use when being approached or when approaching another dog. The movement is sometimes so quick that it is missed by the human eye.

4.      Freezing: A dog may suddenly stop all movement and stand still, lie down, or sit when a dog it perceives as more powerful approaches and starts sniffing. Have you ever called your dog and it didn’t come? As you become more annoyed (and your voice gets sharper), your dog may simply stop and stare at you. This isn’t a defiant dog! It’s a dog that senses your anger and is trying to calm you down.

5.      Sitting down: Dogs use this signal either by turning their backs and sitting down or simply sitting down when they feel stressed. Dog owners can instruct visitors to the home to sit down (on the floor or couch) if they own a dog that becomes afraid or nervous when meeting strange people

6.      Walking slowly: Movements that get slower, often so slow that there is hardly any movement at all have a soothing effect. Your dog may use this signal as soon as it sees another dog, when it senses you are angry, or when mayhem is erupting around it. Try using this signal when a dog seems frightened of you or when you do not want to scare a dog.

7.      Yawning: Yawning is the human signal of boredom or fatigue. In the dog world, yawning is a calming signal. Dogs yawn when they are in stressful situations. Observe your dog for yawning the next time it is in the veterinarian’s waiting room, at an obedience class, being hugged or held tightly, or another dog is in its personal space.

8.      Sniffing: A dog may start sniffing the ground when another dog is approaching, when someone is walking straight towards him, or when you call him to come with an annoyed voice. Sniffing is the dog’s way of saying, “I am not here, please ignore me, I see and know nothing.” Try walking two strange dogs past one another. Often, one of the dogs will sniff the floor, indicating to the other that he presents no threat.




Cats have an incredible sense of smell and it is the most important of all of their sensing systems. If he cannot smell his scent or yours, in a specific area (especially after you have moved to another home) then he will become disorientated, vulnerable and confused, thus, frightened.

1.       Smell is vital to recognition.  Most of us witness this phenomenon when we take one of our cats to the vet. Upon returning home, the cat is growled and hissed at and occasionally attacked by the cats that stayed home. They don’t recognize their buddy returning home because he smells different. It’s as if a new and strange cat has walked right into their home! A mother cat will even kill her own kittens if they should suddenly smell foreign.

2.       Cats have scent glands along the tail, on each side of their forehead, on their lips, chin and on the underside of their front paws. They use these glands to scent mark their territory. Every time your cat passes by the refrigerator or the sofa and rubs up against it, he is saying, “This is mine. This belongs here. I belong with these things.” When your cat scratches your furniture or his scratching post, he is also leaving his scent there from the glands in his paws.

3.      Your cat will rub up against you and other companion pets for a scent exchange. While depositing his scent on you, he is also picking up your scent, which he will carefully lick and taste off his fur. (And we thought he was just grooming himself!)

4.       Cats are territorial by nature and they identify their territory by scent. Keep this in mind when moving with your cat, boarding him, taking him to the vet or groomer, bringing home new furniture, or bringing home a new friend.

  1. Try to make your cat feel as non-threatened as possible by using familiar scents. For example, before bringing in a new piece of furniture, rub it down with some of your cat’s bedding or even your own bedding.


    about me: sue peters

    I have received some formal training in animal communication from International Interspecies Communicators and Animal therapists, Samantha Khury and Penelope Smith, as well as training in TellingtonTouch. I am presently upgrading my studies in TellingtonTouch and Small Animal massage.  I am also a Certified Reiki Practitioner/Master teacher, Hawaiian Huna Practitioner, CranioSacral Therapist and Certified Acupressure Masseuse.  I have been teaching Reiki since 1992 and have combined my knowledge of animals with Reiki and other alternative-healing skills into the development of the ‘Animal Health & Behavior Workshops.” 




    Our treatment sessions are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of your veterinarian.  You should consult your veterinarian in any matters relating to your animal’s heath, especially in matters concerning symptoms and conditions that may require medical attention or advice.



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