Book: The Authority
Story: Transfer of Power

Issue: #23-26


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Now this is what some might call, just plain weird. Everything has been thrown on it's ear. First off, this story arc come in place after issue 22, part one of the Brave New World storyline. It is then followed by part three four and five of said storyline. Very weird. Actually, I found out that the reason things all went to hell was Frank Quitely getting an offer he couldn't refuse. That offer was of course recreating the X-Men however he saw fit. Pretty much a dream gig for anyone and who can blame him for leaving 'The Authority' mid story. Well, I actually am a bit annoyed but that's beside the point. This story sprang up from a need to buy time for the creative team to get it's act together. So what better way than to kill the team and replace them with goventmental puppets. Welcome to 'The New Authority'. That's right, a bunch of bad ass, big shot puppets. And they're out to keep the people in power who can pay for it. Lovely sentiment.

So hey, let's meet the new gang!
--- --- ---
The Colonel ---------- The Machine ------------- Rush -------------The Street

--- --- ---
Teuton ---------------------Last Call --------------- The Surgeon ----- Chaplain Action: He-man of the Cloth

Before you ask. yes, that's right, I said He-Man of the Cloth... Peyter, obviously had some fun writing these guys. And why not, they're all supposed to be blatent rip offs of the original Authority. And they play off each other wonderfully. They're all incredibly self involved people with very petty issues. And really in the end, their dysfunction makes them all pretty likable. The Colonel is stressed about the burden of leadership. Last Call is enraged by the reporters that keep questioning his sexuality, and Teuton just can't stop crying. Pricelous stuff.

Anyhow, this story serves to introduce this newer, more screwed up, but far less capable, version of 'The Authority'. The first thing they do when moving into the now wrecked Carrier, they eject they half dead million or so Chinese refuges into Re-Space (an alternate dimension), because they smell bad.

The real problem for our new team though isn't their waning tempors or their public image as they seem to think. It's the fact that the top 1% of the richest people in the world have somehow lost all their cash. Yup, Beverly Hills is bankrupt. The president is powerless and the middle class are pissed off. Whatever will the 'New Authority' do?

The Baddie:

None; unless you count 'The New Authority' being detremental to themselves...

The Good Stuff:

The Not So Good:

The Best Scene:

Nothing stands out in particular, but a high quality of writing and artwork are present throughout the story arc.


I've really got to say I enjoyed this story. It's not 'The Authority' but it's actually kind of refreshing. I think that if I was reading this when it came out and had to wait through 4 long months before finding out what happens to the real heros I might be a little bit miffed, but as it is I enjoyed the change of pace. The characters were constructed well, and the artwork worked with the story. The most entertaining element though were the little moments throughout where we gained insight into the group dynamic of this new team. They are really very dysfunctional, but as I said before that's what makes them so likable. I also think that Chaplain Action: He-Man of the Cloth is fantastic and there should be a real Authority counterpart for him. Or maybe when the real Authority gets back they should just recruit him. He's great. Anyhow, good work overall. I'm sure it must have been pretty tough for the creative team to just jump into this one. Great work.

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