Book: Sandman
Story: Dream a Little Dream of Me

Issue: #3



This issue finds Sandman trying to track down his lost Pouch of Sleep. The Wyrd Sisters informed him that it had fallen into the possession of one John Constantine. Now, I know Constantine is a mainstay of the DC universe, but I've gotta say, I've never actually read anything about him before. So I don't really know what his deal is, but I'd guess he is used to this sort of thing. Sandman shows up and very politely asks for his property back. And Constantine, not minding takes Sandman over to a warehouse that he stores all of his old junk in. Unfortunately the pouch is missing. Constantine realises that it must have been stolen by his old girlfriend Rachel. So the two travel over to where Rachel lives only to find her in an unnatural state of dream decay. Her life has become infested with the demons of dream, and she herself is dying a slow painful death. With Sandman's assistance, Constantine recovers the magic pouch and mercifully sends Rachel into the next world, one final happy dream on her mind as she passes.

The Good Stuff:

The Not So Good:


This was a pretty good little story. Nothing really too special, but ok. I liked the character of Constantine, and his relationship with Rachel was interesting. Gaiman seems to have been a bit slack this issue, I sort of felt like this issue was merely obligatory, nothing very exciting happened when it could have been more. Ah well, he's still got to face the other thieves.


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