Act 1 - Issues # 1-8


Story: Nova Placenta

Issue: # 1


This story introduces us to the Specials. 113 Children from Pederson, Illinois. These children were all in utero when a strange comet passed over their small town. And somehow it changed them. These children have gained special powers. Some are strong, some can direct energy, but all of them are different. And that is the crux of this first set up issue. Uniqueness, these Specials, differences. The powers given to them are unknown, but how they use them is their decision. Be they called heroes or villains, they are still people. This is the real world, our world, and these children have a very strange life ahead of them.

Our narrator John Simon, aka Poet, tells us the story via a his journal as read from after all that is to take place. He tells us that the children were taken to Camp Sunshine, a day camp where the government could watch over them. But one of the children, Lee Jackson had a terrible secret to comes into the open. This proves to be one of the most powerful, and shocking scenes I've ever seen in a comic book and I wont spoil it for you here. Read this book for yourself, if only for the amazing artwork, and the really mature, dark storyline.



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The story itself is told from the journal of Poet. And he reveals a few interesting things to us. The journal states that 50 years has passed since that fateful night in Pederson, and somehow these Specials have changed their world. The powers didn't make them heroes, or lovers, or killers; it just allowed them to be more of what they already were. And John is the last of them; the last one alive. The journal is a record of the real truth. And why is he now sharing it? Because someone needs to tell the real story finally.

And what is Lee's shocking and terrible secret? He has been to Camp Sunshine the year before. While there he was molested by his camp counsellor. Once again the counsellor comes to Lee in the night, but things are different now, Lee has changed. And he lets loose; a single word that will change the lives of the specials forever. You see, Lee is pyrokenetic, and the one word he says; BURN.

Story: Can't Touch This

Issue: # 2


This issue starts up with the actual plotline of the fist act of Rising Stars. There is a killer on the loose and he is taking out the specials. First Joey Drake, and now a special named Peter Dawson. He wasn't a famous special; he wasn't a star. In fact he never really got over his power, invulnerability. Sounds great? Well, it wasn't all it was cracked up to be for Peter. And now he is found murdered.

We are introduced to Dr. Welles. He is a paediatrician, who was assigned by the government to observe the specials, take care of them, and yes, at times to spy on them. Determining who might be a danger, a potential threat in years to come. Dr Welles has become a friend to the specials though. And after the police question him about Peter, he gets a special to join in the investigation, independently. The Poet, John Simon, is going to track down this killer. Because he knows the killer is one of his own. The killer is a special.



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We do learn two possibly important pieces of information in this issue: First that John (Poet) has a secret power that only he and Dr Welles know about. What is this power? We don't know... Secondly, John tells us the story of Willie Smith, a kid who only seemed to have limited powers. One day after being teased and taunted by the other special children he managed to fly, and he never came back. He disappeared. Could he be this mystery killer? Perhaps the killer is one of these lesser powered specials with a grudge. We are left with lots of question, and an intriguing mystery...

Story: Whatever Happened To Lee Jackson?

Issue: # 3


This issue tells the fate of Lee Jackson, a special who disappeard as a young boy with his parents. Lee is a pyrokenetic. John Simon (Poet) visits Randy (aka Ravenshadow), to hear the story of Lee and figure out when everything went wrong for and most importantly try to figure out Who is murdering the specials. Poet knows it isn't Lee, because Lee died long ago. But Lee's fate is somehow intrinsically tied to these new murders. This issue tells a really tragic tale of a boy who was misunderstood his whole life. Feared and hunted by his peers and the government. He never really had a chance at life. This is his story.



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Ravenshadow has discovered a disturbing possible motivation for the murders. Every time a special is killed or dies, the other specials gain more power. Maybe someone with limited power is out for more... But the only people who supposedly know this fact are Ravenshadow, and Poet. Who else could have figured it out?

Story: Masques

Issue: # 4


This issue is very deceptive. The title is really quite apt. Masques introduces us to Cathy, she grew up with the specials, was in utero at the right time but for some reason never manifested any special powers. Cathy spends this particular evening at the pub telling stories to a new friend. She gives us a background on a number of the key specials. I would explain who they all are but you really should just read it. It's a collection of really cool, backgrounds and histories. These Specials are a very real and varied group. And some of them have pretty big secrets...



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What do we actually learn this issue. Well, Cathy does in fact have a power although she doesn't know it. At the end of the issue she brings a cat that has just died back to life by touching it! Also, Cathy had a huge crush on Jason Miller (aka Flagg), and she even pretends she had a relationship with him although she never really did. Cathy seems to have been somewhat ostracized too. But maybe most importantly, she knows Poet's dark secret, she knows what his hidden power is, and whatever it is, its deadly. As she overhears Dr Welles saying, "It could destroy them all..."

Story: The World Between

Issue: # 5


Poet needs answers and soon. There are two specials who might have insight into the killings though. Clarence Mack, a special with the ability to step into other people's dreams. And Lionel Zerbs, who has the ability to see and talk with the recently deceased. But can Poet handle the disturbing truth he will find?



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John (Poet) discovers the identity of the special killer. Jason Miller, Flagg, maybe the strongest of all the specials. Why he is doing it though is still a mystery. Clarence also reveals that he knows about John's secret dreams and nightmares. He knows that John expects and even maybe enjoys his role. Poet sees himself as the only one capable of doing what needs to be done. Poet dreams that he will have to either kill or let all the rest of the specials die someday... Pretty heavy stuff. As a side note Poet also learns that Chandra, a special whose powers make her the most beautiful woman in the world to everyone who looks at her, is actually in love with him.

Story: Things Fall Apart - part 1

Issue: # 6


A terrible conspiracy is set into motion as this issue opens with Poet confronting the special murderer; but he is not so easily captured. Matters are made worse when a few well timed lies set a series of events into motion that seem to be the brewings of an all out war between the specials. And a small group of conspirators at the centre of things are about to force this conflict into realization.



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Flagg, or Patriot as he is now called, sets this conspiracy into motion. He begins to gather followers, other specials to aid in his war for power. Jerry Montrose, aka Pyre, the other pyrokenetic special, and long-time adversary of Jason joins the devious cause. As does Joshua Kane, aka Sanctuary, a weak willed special used and controlled by his overbearing father (a minister). Together they approach a dirty senator and manage to gain governmental approval to hunt down what they call the truly dangerous specials! But along the way they will be assisted by the one special sanctioned by the government to kill. Matthew Bright, a heroic man who became a police officer after his father was killed in the line of duty. Together these specials set out on a malicious objective, to destroy their brethren.

Story: Things Fall Apart - part 2

Issue: # 7


Things get pretty crazy this issue. The conspiracy that began last issue is in full force now. Specials are being rounded up by the truckload. The weaker ones can't do much about it, but some are deciding to run, or to fight. The issue culminates in a deadly showdown between Poet and another special. And Poet's dark secret is about to be revealed...



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This issue has one of the hands down coolest fight scenes ever. Ravenshodow has alerted all the specials he can. Run, hide, those fighting for right will try everything they can. Poet steals Chandra away just as Matthew Bright comes to take him in. John tries to reason with Matthew, but he isn't buying any of it. Finally they fight, and man is it deadly. John's secret power comes to light. His power, his strength, seems to be a thousandfold what people thought. Dr Welles told John to keep his real nature hidden, as he would surely be used to malicious ends if it ever came out. We hear some bold speculation by Dr Welles via flashback

"They control the powers inside them that were created by the force that struck this town while they were in utero. You control the force itself. the force is inside you."

"I wonder sometimes if the force was more directed than we think. Maybe it created one person to be a fail safe, someone who could stop any of the others individually if they turned bad."

At the end of a gruesome battle, Poet leaves a bloody Matthew on the ground and flies away to some kind of relative safety.

Story: Things Fall Apart - part 3

Issue: # 8


Act 1 ends in a flurry of violence. A stand is being made, but what will the outcome be? Will the Specials be able to stand up against their own kind, and the government that has turned on them? Dr. Welles is brought in for questioning and discovers an awful and horrifying truth. Basically, all hell breaks loose and the future for everyone on earth doesn't look so special.


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While in custody Dr Welles realizes just how far the transfer of power goes. If only a few more specials are killed all the rest of them will become high levelled specials. And the government has tracked a large group of them down. Sending conventional soldiers and weapons, as these are mostly low powered specials a battle royale takes place wherein everyone's powers grow exponentially with the death of a few. Dr Welles also meets Stephanie Mass in the army prison. She was a special that never exhibited any powers until now. Abused as a child Stephanie created an alter ego. Her multiple personality, her dark half is now coming to light, and it has all the powers... Critical Mass is born, and she is extremely pissed off.

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