Site Updates: Mar 03 - Nov 03

Hey everyone, I've put a new Log entry up today. Its really not about anything that's been happening with me; just some stuff I've been thinking about lately. Anyhow, I'm pretty much decided now that I'm going to wrap this website up over the next little while. I'm just kind of fed up with it overall. I'll probably be moving over to Diaryland and continue blogging there. Until then kids, Later.

What do I really like about writing this website? Honestly, keeping people informed and up-to-date is nice and all but it's not that I couldn't just write people. The picture are fine and I want people to see The Gambia, but I haven't (and don't really feel like) putting anything new up. It's just too annoying to wander aroud with a camcorder that takes bad resolution digital pics anyhow. the reviews I've done are cool, and I'm glad I did them but do I want to keep going? I just don't know, what I do like doing is writing the log updates. But I don't honetly feel like doing this is really what blogging should be about. Its not that I'm not honest with all you cyber people out there. I just find myself censoring far more than I'd like to. Why is that? I'm not ashamed of how I live my life. Generally speaking I'm a pretty decent person. So why isn't it cool for me to tell all the gory details of some random night out at the nightclub... or what girl I've been trying to pick up lately. I tell my friends how I feel without hesitation, I don't like feeling like I'm some smaller less-interesting version of myself here online. Maybe I'm not the most exciting guy in the world but I definately live it up more than I let on normally. So I'm going to start being more honest in my blog. In fact I might just move over to a proper blog webserver one of these days. For now though I'd like to try expressing myself more openly. I don't think I'm going to offend people, I sure hope I don't shock anyone. But I'm a real person, not what I've made myself into over these log updates. So if you enjoy the dumbed down version of me avoid the log from here on out. If not, go ahead and check out my latest Log entry.

I just wanted to wish my Mom a really HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Beacause she really is the greatest ever. More later kiddies.

Hey everyone, well I'm back in The Gambia and its been a bit of a trip to say the least. But things are starting to settle back in for me. I've put up a new Log Update for your perusal. Enjoy it. I've also been thinking about the site here, I'm not updating it anywhere near as regularly as I was before... now thats not bad, I've just been thinking about a site redesign. Maybe a downgrade, something simpler that I won't feel guilty about ignoring at times. Any ideas?

Woah! Back from the dead, did I fall off the edge of the world?!? Nope in fact I'm still in America. Its been a long time with no updates to speak of and I've been living it up here Stateside. I hope alls well with you wherever you are, and just so you people can keep up with my every move I've got a brand new extensive special vacation edition Log Update for y'all. Enjoy it kidies.

Hey all, I'm heading off to the States for a little vacation this evening, but before I go I've got a shiny new Log Update for y'all. Enjoy it while its still warm. So wish me a safe flight and I hope I'll be seeing you. Also quickly cause I'm almost outta time at this here cyber cafe. HAPPY B-DAY to Cyndi. And on another note, the greatest film news in a while has just come out. Chris Nolan (Memento) is directing a new Batman film starring Christian Bale as the dark knight. If you don't know who Bale is, check out Empire of the Sun (he's the kid), Equilibrium, and American Psycho right now. They are all very very good. Ok, Later all.

Hello everyone, just a quick update today. I've put up some reviews for two more books. One's for Asimov's Robot and Empire, and the other's for a very silly book Stranglers' Moon, by E.E. 'Doc' Smith. Later.

Hi people, I've pretty weird lately. Cyndi left on Friday and I've admittedly been a little conflicted about this. I know that its good in the long run, but its still odd for me. Anyhow, I'm really just looking forward to getting out of here for a while now. I'm back to the States in a two weeks time. Until then I've got a few new reviews for you. the first is for the Ben Bova book As on a Darkling Plain, the second one is for the really good film Bend it Like Beckham. Have fun, so long for now.

Hi everyone. Today I've got some more goodies for you to feast on. I'm working on a corporate video for a hotel, well a soon to be hotel, but that hasn't stopped me from my daily time to slack off. Hence, today I've got some more reviews for you. one's for the film Equilibrium, and the other is for a sci fi classic called Childhood's End. Have fun.

Hey everyone, although I wrote it two days ago I only just now finally got it uploaded. So for your enjoyment I present a brand new shiny Log Update for you. Have fun kids.

Hey it's time for some more film reviews today. I'm very happy because I've gotten my hands on a few films I've been really dying to see. Anyhow, today there's one up for X2, also known as X-Men 2. And a second one up for the spy flick The Recruit. Enjoy em.

Some new film reviews today kids. One's for the film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and the other one's for Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Have fun with them.

Hi people, there's a new review up today. It's for Neil Gaiman's book American Gods. Enjoy.

Hey everyone, it's been a little while now, and I'll be trying to get a log update in here sometime soon. For now though if you're interested, head over to the Comic Page and check out the reviews for Garth Ennis' Preacher series. talk with you all soon. bye.

I've put up a new book review for you all today. It's the one you've been waiting for... Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Enjoy it, I did.

Hey kids, new book reviews for you today. There's three this time, one for another pulpy sci fi called Collision Course, another for the Terry Pratchett Discworld book Jingo, and finally one for Elmore Leonard's Rum Punch. Check 'em out and enjoy. And keep your eyes open, Cyndi just got back and she's letting me read her copy of the new Harry Potter book. It's very exciting! Also, it'll probably be a while before I'm back, I've got to got up country one more time this week. But this is the final session up in Jan Jang Burreh, so it'll all finally be over by this weekend. So long all, stay cool.

Hey everyone, There's a new Log Update for your purusal. Also I put up the amazing brand new teaser poster for Spidey 2. It is very very very very very very very cool. Doctor Octopus looks amazingly cool. Check out the poster on the Cool Pics Page. So long.

Well not too much happening over the past few days. I know it's been a while since a log update but not too much is really going on. I do have a book review for you though. Its a pulp sci fi novel from the 70s called The Galaxy Primes. That's it for now.

1988 - 2003

Hey people, some very sad news today. The cat that I grew up with (well for the last 15 years at least) Eric the Red has died. I know that some of you reading this knew him a bit. He was truly an amazing cat. Honestly, he lived like a kitten for his whole life. Always very full of energy and life. It's really sad that he's gone. I miss him. Eric was definately the pet that I was closest to throughout my life, and I guess I just wanted to say goodbye. He was put down after contracting throat cancer, and from what I understand he was in pain. So I'm glad it was done. I'm also glad I didn't have to be there. He was a great friend and I'm glad I got to spend some time with him over the years. Anyhow, so long Eric, you will be missed.

hi, just a quick little update today, I'm heading up to jan jang burreh for another training this afternoon, back on Saturday. I'm going up with Rich, who somehow managed to get roped into YMCA teaching. He's also going to be running a summer basketball camp here. Anyhow, at least I'm not going alone. The next two time which are the last two, I will unfortunately be slogging it on my own... ah well, things are ok. Except for some bad news, Eric the Red my cat back home has throat cancer. It's pretty sad, I'm honestly very close to him, and I'm not looking forward to him dying. Hopefully he'll last long enough for me to see him in September, but probably not :( ok, that's it, talk with you all later. bye.

Hey kids, I've done a few little updates over this past week. One at least that I neglected to mention. Anyhow, firstly there's a new Log Update to check out. Also, I've put up reviews for the new James Bond flick Die Another Day, and the drug crazed Hunter S. Thompson novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Finally if anyone's interested I posted some new comic book reviews for Rising Stars - Act 1. Seriously folks this is like the best comic book ever written. ok, that's it for now, so enjoy it and stay cool. Later.

Hey everyone. I wanted to show you all my new haircut. So I put it onto the Cool Pics Page. I've also put up a somewhat short review for the rather depressing blockbuster sequel The Matrix: Reloaded. Check 'em out. Later.

Well, it's been a while now. So I thought I'd give you all a little slice of life with a brand new Log Update. Enjoy.

Hey kids, new book reviews up today. This time for Stark by Ben Elton, and a very odd one called The Roaches Have No King about life as a cockroach. Enjoy em. Also, I just noticed that I forgot to mention my last Log Update here. It was from the 10th. Lates.

Hey, It's me I'm back with more... I thought it might be a good idea if I adressed this silly Monkeypox business. Firstly I'm not sure why everyone is complaining about Monkeypox being from Gambia. It isn't. It was first discovered in the 1970s in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. And, at least according to the WHO is mostly centered around that region. There are cases occasionally here in The Gambia of Monkeypox, but it is rare. I have talked with an aquaintence who works on the Belgium-run monkey research (mostly baboon) island here, he has assured me that monkeypox is not a big deal here, and it's a shame we're getting a bad rep for it. Anyhow, if you want to know more check out what the CDC has to say at, or check out for info on symptoms, etc. Incidentially, I can't say with certainty one way or the other, but I have never met a Gambian who keeps a rat as a pet. And while the few (2 or 3) rats I have seen here were quite large; I would hardly call them GIANT, or any kind of Rodent of Unusual Size. ok, that's all. I just felt like I should make some sort of statement on the matter.

Hey everyone, two more book reviews comming your way today. One's for Herman Hesse's classic novel Siddartha, and the other is for Michael Crichton's book Timeline. Enjoy.

Well, it's been a very very long time since I did a review of any sort. For the most part that's been because I've been pretty busy editing and/or out having fun. But now that the Knowledge Bowl is over I'd like to get back into reviewing things here and there. Maybe not with the ferocity that I did before, but still every now and then. I have in fact been reading books, or maybe I should say one book. And I got really bogged down by it. It was one of those really trashy Robert Ludlum spy novel; don't laugh, everyone needs garbage reading sometimes... Anyhow, I spent nearly all of last month getting through around 800 pages of it and finally I've given up. Now I've stolen a few books from the Peace Corps office and finally have something while not really high quality at least it's enjoyable and I can get through it. I've put up a new book review for a novel called Batman: Knightfall. Try and guess what it's about. Hey, at least it's better than Jason Bourne! Enjoy.

Hi people, I'm back. Check out my new Log Update to read about my Senagalese adventures in Jazz. Later kids.

Hey everyone, I'm off to St Louis, Senegal, tomorrow morning for the Jazz Festival there. I'll be back on Sunday. And I'll hopefully have some pictures for you. But until then you'll just have to satisfy yourselves with a Log Update. Stay cool everyone.

Hi, just a quick little thing today. I've added a new link to the Links Page. Go there, or just click to check out Bonnie's Web Site. Later kids.

Wow, it's already halfway through the month and I didn't realize that I was supposed to change over my Log Page, so just for you lucky people I've put up a brand new Log Page with a shiney new Log Update to go with it. Enjoy. Later.

Hey all you lucky devils you. guess what, it's been like three months but I've finally put up some brand new photos. Zoom over to the Photo Page and check out pages 11, 12, and 13. enjoy. bye bye.

Hey people! Been wondering where the heck I'd gotten myself to? Well, I accidentially let my sitte get waaaay too full. hehehehe... Anyhow, it's been a while, but things should be ok now. I've put up 2, count em 2 brand new Log Updates. Very exciting. Check em out. And I'll be back soon with more goodies and a new photo page or two! Later all.

Hey folks, guess what? There's a new Log Update hitting the page today. Read and be merry...

Hey, I'm actually caught up on all my reviews now. This one's a book review for The Coral Island. Stay cool everyone. Later.

Today I've done another film review. I'm pretty much caught up now! Very exciting! Anyhow, it's for X-Men, so enjoy.

Hi. Today, I've posted a short little Log Update. Enjoy.

A new film review today. This one's for Jim Jarmusch's Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai. It very very weird. Check it. Lates.

A new day, and another book review for you crazy kids. This ones for the 1951 Jack Williamson, probably not so classic, Seetee Ship. Lates.

What not more film reviews!?! Yes, in fact it is, I'm avoiding real work by writing my small little thoughts. Read don't read whatever... there's two today, one for Resident Evil and the other one for 10 Things I Hate About You. Later.

Another film review today. This time for Fight Club. That's it. bye.

Another book review up today, this one's for Ben Elton's Dead Famous. That's all.

Hi, today I've put up a couple more Samurai Jack reviews, and a review for the Discworld novel The Last Continent. Check em out. Later.

Hi everyone, Happy April Fools Day. Today I've put up a couple of reviews for one of my favorite tv shows. Ceck out my new Samurai Jack Page. I've also archived some more of the Old Site Updates. Other than that, I've run into some snags trying to get the film things I've been working on up. So it'll be a while still. Later all.

Hey guess what, I'm back from my little up-country jaunt. Wanna read all about it? Well, check out my spiffy new Log Update. Lates.

Well, I've just found out I've got to go up-country in Poncelet's place this week, so tomorrow I'm off for a few days with Jakob to Janjang Burreh. But first I've got a new review for you. This one's for the film Dancer in the Dark. Enjoy.

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