Triangle poster images\shapey.bmp Advertisement poster images\Presentation3.ppt  Basic review images\basicreview.doc
I like this piece of work because it was fun to do and fun to research on.   We had to do this on the week that we went to different classes for the media studies. I liked doing media studies and this was probably my favourite one. Our whole class did this when we had Mrs. Rule. I did it on my second month at Pilot Butte school. It wasn't that bad to do.
Cuppa creamy lee Cuppa Creamy Lee My banner images\mylinksheading.gif My timeline

~!~Ella's life~!~

Our class had to write about a Random Act Of Kindness that we did. We also had to do it like a newspaper reporter would write it. This is my banner that I got from it is one of my favourites! I had to do this timeline when we were in computers. It's for the Heritage Fair. A lady asked us to fill it out then get back to our work so I did.