By: Elektra


Captain Vincent K. McMahon
First Officer, Commander Shane McMahon
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)
Diagnostics Officer, Lieutenant Jericho
Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Austin
Transporter Chief, Lieutenant Commander Debra McMichael
... And many more!


    "Captain's Log, stardate 98562.20. Stephanie, Dr. Taker, and Nurse Bearer disappeared from the Smackdown at 18:30h. I don't know where they've disappeared too. Is it a new enemy? We are checking all avenues... End log..." Captain McMahon closed his log book.

    He sat back in his chair and stared at the wall on the other side of the room, not really seeing it.

    So what if he distorted the facts in his log? No one at Wrestle Fleet needed to know the truth.

    After all... if Wrestle Fleet found out what the Titanprize's Chief Medical Officer was capable of, there's no telling what would happen!

*    *    *


    Commander Stephanie McMahon sat up carefully. She looked around. The room was dark except for the glow of stars through the window, "Where am I?" she asked.

    "You are in my quarters... " a voice replied.

    Stephanie gasped and turned to see Dr. Taker leaning against a wall calmly.

    Commander Stephanie looked around. The room was bare! The walls were painted black, and there wasn't even a bed!

    Stephanie shook her head and tapped her comm badge, "Commander Stephanie McMahon to Daddy..." There was no reply.

    "A dampening field prevents communication. Sensors will not be able to find our location either..."

    Stephanie turned to Dr. Taker, "You're wrong! The sensors will pick up a dampening field!!"

    "Only if the dampening field is computer generated..." Dr. Taker replied.

   "IF? So what are you saying? It's magic?" Stephanie asked, not convinced.  Dr. Taker didn't reply. Stephanie rolled her eyes, "Yeah... ok... you want me to believe that you have magic powers?"

    "Look out the window..." Dr. Taker said.


    Dr. Taker frowned, "Just do it..." Stephanie quickly turned to the window without hesitation, "Good. Now watch..."

    Dr. Taker snapped his fingers... and suddenly the stars began to blur. Stephanie felt the Titanprize go into warp, "Whaaaaaa!" she gasped.  "Commander Stephanie McMahon to Engineering!!" Stephanie shouted. Still no reply.

    "I told you... we are covered by a dampening field!"

    Stephanie turned to Dr. Taker, "Where are you taking us?!"

    "I am taking the Titanprize into the Omega Quadrant."

    Commander Stephanie furrowed her brow, "Omega Quadrant? That's UNCHARTED! I mean... it's like.... trillions and trillions of light years away!"

    "This is true..." Dr. Taker replied.

    "There is no way we could ever reach the Omega Quadrant in our lifetime..." Stephanie continued.

    "This is also true..."

    "So how are we possibly going there?"

    Dr. Taker didn't answer as he nodded towards the window, "Look out there..."

    Stephanie sighed, and did so.  Her eyes went wide!

    The ship had come out of warp in a system that looked like nothing she had seen before!

    Instead of the blackness of space, a strange red mist surrounded the stars. Gaseous anomalies were in abundance here, and pieces of partially formed planets floated like dead weight. The red sky ... if you could call it a sky ... flickered with electricity, and the numerous asteroid fields moved quickly -- almost as if an impossibly strong wind were pushing them

    "Where are we...?" Commander Stephanie asked.

    "At the end..." Dr. Taker replied.

    She looked at him, "The end? The end of WHAT?"

    "The end of the line. Surely you know  all things must have an end."

    "I don't understand," Stephanie replied.

    Dr. Taker seemed impatient, "Had we continued in a straight line from our earlier coordinates, THIS is where we would have eventually ended up... in an incalculable number of years, mind you... "

    Stephanie stepped away from the window and looked at Dr. Taker, "You're kidding me!" Stephanie said, but one look at Dr. Taker told her that no... he was NOT kidding.

    Commander Stephanie looked at the pale man before her with a new respect. Such power!

    Perhaps being his bride wouldn't be so bad after all...

*    *    *


    Everyone was in awe at what lay before them.

    "Where are we, pops?!" Commander Shane McMahon gasped.

    "Damned if I know..." McMahon replied.  "Wherever we are, I want us the HELL out of here!! NOW!"

    Almost as if someone had heard him, the red mist and white stars began to blur once again.

*    *    *


    Commander Stephanie watched through the window as they returned to their original coordinates, then looked at her captor... "Why did you do this?! I mean, ALL of it. My dreams, my kidnapping, the end of the Universe thing...?"

    "Because," Dr. Taker replied.

    "Because WHY?!" Stephanie asked.

    Dr. Taker looked at her, "Because..." he repeated, "I was bored..."

    Stephanie stared at him, blinking in disbelief. "Bored? You tormented me because you were BORED? You entered my dreams because you were BORED? You brought us to the Omega Quadrant because you were BORED?!!"

    "Yes." Dr. Taker replied simply.

    Stephanie suddenly smiled, "I love a man with power who isn't afraid to abuse it!"

*    *    *


    "Where is my daughter? Where is Dr. Taker?? Where is Nurse Bearer?!" Captain McMahon demanded.

    Almost as if on cue, Lieutenant Commander Austin spoke up, "Sensors have found the big dead bastard, his big fat nurse, and your big slutty daughter on Deck 6, section 6, room 6!"

    McMahon looked at Austin angrily, "What did you say about my daughter??"

    "She's on deck 6, section 6, room 6..."

    "Oh..." McMahon replied. "Then let's get our asses down there!!"

*    *    *


    "They're coming..." Dr. Taker spoke. "Your dear sweet daddy is coming to save you, little girl..."

    Stephanie sidled up to Dr. Taker, and took his arm, "And what if your bride doesn't want to be saved?" she asked with a smile.

    Dr. Taker quickly pulled his arm out of her grasp and stepped away. He turned to Nurse Bearer, "Tell me she's not saying---"

    "Oooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeessss.... she is..." Nurse Bearer replied.

    Dr. Taker frowned, and motioned to Stephanie, "Come here..."  Stephanie did so.  "I do not want you to be my bride..." he replied.

    Commander Stephanie furrowed her brow, "But... the kidnapping. The dreams. The whole 'my bride of darkness' stuff. If you didn't want me to be your bride, why?"

    "I told you. I was bored. I wanted to scare you. That is all. I truly have no interest in you..."

    Stephanie pouted, "But... but...." she began to sniffle, "You and I! The unimaginable POWER we could wield!! How can you stand there and say you're not interested?" then she grew angry, "How DARE you play with a woman's lust for power that way!"

    Dr. Taker turned to Nurse Bearer, who simply shrugged. Dr. Taker turned back to Stephanie, "You will forget you saw my power. You will forget I mentioned you being my bride..."

    "No I won't!" Stephanie insisted. She looked up at him, "I want to be your Bride of Darkness!! Together, our power will---"

    Dr. Taker took a step back, almost... frightened?? IMPOSSIBLE! "No!" He snapped quickly,  "You do NOT want to be my Bride of Darkness!! You will forget all that has happened here!"

    "I told you---" Stephanie began, but was interrupted when Dr. Taker snapped his fingers. She blinked for a moment, then looked around, disoriented. "Huh?"

    Suddenly the doors opened, "STEPHANIE!" Captain McMahon shouted to his daughter as he ran into the room with Austin, and Kane.

    "Daddy!!" Stephanie replied happily. She ran to her father and hugged him, then looked around, "How did I get here? Why is Dr. Taker and Nurse Bearer here? What happened."

    Captain McMahon looked at Dr. Taker. Dr. Taker glared at him, eyes holding an unspoken warning. That one looked told McMahon everything. The Captain turned to his daughter, "Uh... you were looking for Dr. Taker to prescribe some medication for your headaches..." he replied quickly.

    Commander Stephanie thought for a moment, then winced. Yes. She DID have a headache. Funny how she didn't notice that before.

    Commander Stephanie turned to Dr. Taker, all business, "Have that prescription waiting for me in my quarters after my duty shift!" she commanded.  "And next time, you'd better STAY in sickbay so I don't have to run around the whole ship looking for you!"

    Dr. Taker nodded, and Stephanie headed out with her father.

*    *    *


    Commander Stephanie was once again admiring her husband at work when her eye caught Dr. Taker entering the Smackdown.

    Stephanie watched him... unable to explain why she suddenly felt an attraction to his power.

    She shook her head, and turned back to admiring Triple H.

    Power?? How ridiculous!

   After all, what power could a lowly doctor possibly have?


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