Albert Street Bridge Proposal

This is just a little science assignment that everybody in my class did and we also have to build a bridge and I am pretty sure its worth BIG marks. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Thomas Pratt is my partner for this bridge project.

  Super Duper Flinger Extreme

This is just a little PowerPoint picture thing we had to do for Mrs. Riffle. All I did was took a baseball and put some stuff underneath it.

  Right Isosceles Triangle

The right isosceles triangle is a triangle with a right angle in it a 2 equal sides. That is just a little bit of my math shapes assignment.

  The Typing Assignment

This typing assignment was just an assignment so we knew everything about word and I think it was just a little bit to test our speed.


This is everybody's favourite one because it has sports. All it is, is a report on sports my friends and I had to do for a subject.

My Timeline

This is just a timeline that I had made to practice for the heritage fair. I don't think it's that accurate though.


This link is supposed to be an act of kindness. It's a school job I do for school. I don't do it anymore. Neither does the other person.

The C.P.R.

This has my report on the C.P.R. and some web links where I got my information on.