My School About Me
My School is pilot butte and it is a pretty cool place. I have only gone to it for three years. But in those three years I have learnt allot from this school. I am a guitar player. I have not had all that much practice but I am getting there. One of my most favorite sports is archery. I am really good at that. I got my first bow just last Christmas. After I got it I couldn't use it but when I was able to I had a great time. The reason I couldn't use it is because it was winter and my dad wouldn't let me use it during winter.
My Friends
My friends are really cool they help me with things and even some times give me words of wisdom. They are some great people and I wouldn't have any other friends. I can't list any of them but if I could there would be a long list.
Wayne and Shuster heritage fair report.