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I was waiting by the streetlight by myself. In this dream, it must have been summer again, because I was blissfully unaware of the weather. I waited and waited for the bus to come along, waited on a street that is perhaps near Echo Drive, and yet which looks different and doesn't exist.

Of course it's implausible that I would wait for the bus in the summer unless I were traveling with someone, because when I go places by myself I bicycle. It also doesn't make sense that I would wait for a bus to bring me home when I was mere blocks from my house, but sometimes dreams defy logic, and mine do often.

What a pleasant scene the dimly lit street is, perhaps because the dark shrouds the unattractiveness of the Canadian city. Maybe the simple patterns of streetlamp-lit circles all down a street gives a pleasing repetitive quality to a place that is all inconsistent architecture and ugliness.

When I finally got home (unfamiliar place on Euclid Avenue!), I went into the bathroom and found the bath already drawn. I cast off my clothes and eased myself into the sudsy warmth. I leaned back and relaxed.

I looked to the head of the tub, beside the faucet. Someone had stacked batteries all along it from smallest to largest; AA, B, C, D, if such batteries exist. I thought perhaps that this was a very foolish place to keep batteries, for what if one were to fall in the water and, who knows, shock me?

At this point my eyes fell to the suds near my lap and I saw a D battery floating there, half-covered by the white bubbles! I gasped and threw myself over the edge of the tub, although of course the only shock was that in my mind.

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