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Said a character who observed a boy and I in a restaurant, "Those two look like they love each other very much, are they in a relationship?"

No, we're not, old chap! But we do play a relationship on a well-known televised drama.

Maybe I hadn't even noticed that this boy and I were rather giving the vibe of being dependant on each other in a disarming way during his stay here, and perhaps if we happened to pass a rather reflective storefront window on our bicycles we would see not two foppish lads but instead a large flow-chart of unspoken agreements, plots to dumpster bread, and conversation trees.

Maybe there isn't enough of this in the city. "Friendships" between boys need not be complex negotiations of insults and power struggles. Surely you would rather be able to open your heart or perhaps remain awkwardly silent but sincere in their company instead?

Enough competition, enough hostility, enough one-upping: that's no way to be happy.

I often think of that observation made by that character, and wonder what other revelations are pondered by watchful service staff. Maybe that perceptive restauranteur was correct. Maybe I do love you, Jonah!

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