Last Updated: 1 July 2007

Do these points bother you?

It is said that all of us old enough to remember, know where we were when we heard the news of JFK's death. For me, it was a cold crisp sunny afternoon at recess at Hampton Heights Public School in Hamilton, Ontario. Little did I know how the event would consume me in years to come. At that age you looked at the world with unquestionable trust in those older and wiser and in power. There was an automatic acceptance of the Warren Commission's findings. In about 1968, at the age of 14, I stumbled across Josiah Thompson's book Six Seconds in Dallas and was left shaken by what the system -- theirs, ours or possibly any -- was capable of in this post Camelot age. The world for me had changed!

I have now read from sixty to seventy books dealing with the assassination, some credible, some not. But all have something to contribute in some way. I have read even more published articles and papers from both the conspiracy theorists to the Warren Commission apologists, as well as having walked the historic steps through Dealy Plaza and stood on the very spot were Zapruder captured the most historic 'home movie' of all time as well as the infamous sixth floor window, I still feel that many important questions have not been adequately addressed. I believe that some of the catastrophic events which played themselves out that cold November day are not yet recognized due to honest oversight, sheer incompetence or sinister design.

One can examine any sequence of events, in any time frame one might choose, from Oswald in Russia or New Orleans leading up to the Dallas visit or even afterwards up to Jack Ruby's death. One will find coincidence upon coincidence or mystery upon mystery, as one wishes to interpret, but the tragic events cannot seem to be explained away.

Was Lee Harvey Oswald totally innocent? Probably not. Was he caught up in a bigger game beyond his control? Was he a patsy? I have to believe so with all that I've read to date.

For the sake of brevity, let us take just one segment of the catastrophic Dallas events as they played themselves out that day and see if it doesn't make you go hmmmmmmmm?? as it did to me. One can dissect any time frame with equally disturbing realizations but for now take this short tour with me during the most critical hours of November 22, 1963...

If you have any theories or comments on these items, I'd really like to get some answers!

Links where you can find more information:

My JFK Links
JFK Resources Online
Directory of /pub/users/sub/rharris/
John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection
John F. Kennedy Library Home Page
Kennedy Assassination Records Collection
