Non-Rectangular Sections
Sample Calculations
Sketch of Non-Rectangular Section, General Case, showing major angles and dimensions
     The program solves the miter, dihedral and blade angles required to make a cut along a sloped face that conforms to the specified miter and bevel angles on the rectangular portion of a timber. The calculation may be repeated for slopes (if any) on the remaining faces.
     Some examples involving special cases are given below. The same reference values are used for each calculation, to demonstrate how much information this program can extract from the same basic data.
Non-Rectangular Cross-Section Calculator
Reference Data
9/12, 7¼ /12, 90° Total Deck Angle
9/12 Side
Hip Rafter Peaks meet at Center Post
Miter Angle
μ = 48.32249 (R4P)
Bevel Angle
β = 64.80315 (90 - R1)
Slope Angle of Cross-Section
α = 27.85609 (C5)
Width of Rectangular Face = 4
Height of Rectangular Face = 8

     RETURNS to five decimal places:
Miter Angle on Sloped Face
MIT = 44.80175 (P2)
Angles on Projected Triangle
Projected 90 - α
BEV = 53.13010 (90 - SS)
Projected α
ρ = 20.42558 (P6)
Angles on Parallelogram
(Supplementary pair of projected Right Angles)
106.44432 , 73.55568 (90 ± R5P)
Dihedral Angle along Sloped Face
XDIH = 90, the angle between the Roof Plane and the plumb plane representing the side face of a Common Rafter
Blade Angle = Zero
Dihedral Angle along Line of β
YDIH = 51.14663 (90 ± DD)
Blade Angle = 38.85337 (DD)
Dihedral Angle along Line of μ
ZDIH = 109.36219 (90 ± A5P)
Blade Angle = 19.36219 (A5P)
Cross-Section Triangle Dimensions: the dimensions of the triangle created by the Backing Angle.
Rise = 2.11397
Run = 4
Slope = 4.52425
Projected Triangle Dimensions: the triangle created by the Backing Angle projected to the compound face.
projected Rise to Line of β = 2.33626
* projected Run to Line of μ = 5.35547
* Length along Slope of MIT = 6.42051
* Equal to corresponding Trapezoid Edges
Parallel Trapezoid Edges: the trapezoid edges are the dimensions of the faces adjacent to one another at the Hip Rafter peaks.
Minimum Height = 8.84124
Maximum Height = 8.84124 + 2.33626 = 11.17750

Reference Data
9/12, 7¼ /12, 90° Total Deck Angle
9/12 Side
Housing Chamfer for Jack Rafter meets Valley
     Same angular values entered as above, with a different interpretation of the results. In this example, the triangle of the square cut, as seen in section, is projected to the plumb face of the rafter. Substitute values from a table of Cognate Square Cut Angles may be used in place of the angles given below.
Miter Angle
μ = 48.32249 (R4P)
Bevel Angle
β = 64.80315 (90 - R1)
Slope Angle of Cross-Section
α = 27.85609 (C5)
Width of Rectangular Face = 1 , the housing depth perpendicular to the mortised face.
Height of Rectangular Face = N/A, enter Zero.

     RETURNS to five decimal places:
Miter Angle on Sloped Face: the miter angle of the rafter face on the roof plane.
MIT = 44.80175 (P2)
Angles on Projected Triangle
Projected 90 - α : bevel angle on the adjacent face (plumb face) of the rafter.
BEV = 53.13010 (90 - SS)
Projected α
ρ = 20.42558 (P6)
Angles on Parallelogram
(Supplementary pair of projected Right Angles)
106.44432 (90 + R5P)
Dihedral Angle along Sloped Face
XDIH = 90, the angle between adjacent Jack Rafter faces , Blade Angle = Zero
Dihedral Angle along Line of β
YDIH = 51.14663 (90 ± DD)
Blade Angle = 38.85337 (DD)
Dihedral Angle along Line of μ
ZDIH = 109.36219 (90 ± A5P)
Blade Angle = 19.36219 (A5P)
Cross-Section Triangle Dimensions: the chamfer or square cut, as seen in section.
Rise = .52849
Run = 1
Slope = 1.13106
Projected Triangle Dimensions: the chamfer projected to the plumb face of the Jack rafter.
projected Rise to Line of β = .58407
projected Run to Line of μ = 1.33887
Length along Slope of MIT = 1.60513

Reference Data
9/12, 7¼ /12, 90° Total Deck Angle
9/12 Side
Jack Rafter meets Valley
Compound Angle
Blade Angle Calculation
Miter Angle
μ = 44.80175 (P2)
Bevel Angle
β = 53.13010 (90 - SS)
Slope Angle of Cross-Section
α = Zero
Width of Rectangular Face = 6
Height of Rectangular Face = 6

     RETURNS to five decimal places:
Miter Angle on Sloped Face
MIT = 44.80175 (P2)
Angles on Projected Triangle
Projected 90 - α
BEV = 64.80315 (90 - R1)
Projected α
ρ = Zero
Angles on Parallelogram: this face of the Jack rafter meets the Valley rafter.
(Supplementary pair of projected Right Angles)
115.19685 , 64.80315 (90 ± R1)
Dihedral Angle along Sloped Face
XDIH = 62.14391 (90 - C5)
Blade Angle = 27.85609 (C5)
Dihedral Angle along Line of β
YDIH = 51.14663 (90 ± DD)
Blade Angle = 38.85337 (DD)
Dihedral Angle along Line of μ
ZDIH = 117.85609 (90 + C5)
Blade Angle = 27.85609 (C5)
As expected, μ = MIT, BEV = Supplementary angles on the parallelogram, and XDIH and ZDIH are supplementary.
Cross-Section Triangle Dimensions
Rise = Zero
Run = 6
Slope = 6
Projected Triangle Dimensions
projected Rise to Line of β = Zero
Lengths of Miter lines:
* projected Run to Line of μ = 8.51479
* Length along Slope of MIT = 8.51479
* Equal to corresponding Trapezoid Edges
Parallel Trapezoid Edges
Lengths of Bevel lines:
Minimum Height = 7.5
Maximum Height = 7.5 + 0 = 7.5

SPECIAL CASE: β = 90 Degrees
Reference Data
9/12, 7¼ /12, 90° Total Deck Angle
9/12 Side
Valley Rafter, Overall Dimensions
Miter Angle
μ = 38.85337 (DD)
Bevel Angle
β = 90
Slope Angle of Cross-Section
α = 36.86990 (SS)
Width of Rectangular Face = 12, Common Rafter run
Height of Rectangular Face = N/A, enter Zero

     RETURNS to five decimal places:
Miter Angle on Sloped Face
MIT = 45.19825 (90 - P2)
Angles on Projected Triangle
Projected 90 - α
BEV = 64.80315 (90 - R1)
Projected α
ρ = 25.19685 (R1)
Angles on Parallelogram
(Supplementary pair of projected Right Angles)
These angles remain right angles.
Dihedral Angle along Sloped Face
XDIH = 117.85609 (90 + C5)
Blade Angle = 27.85609 (C5)
Dihedral Angle along Line of β
YDIH = 38.85337 (DD)
Blade Angle = 51.14663 (90 - DD)
Dihedral Angle along Line of μ
ZDIH = 90
Blade Angle = Zero
Note that the projected Right Angles remain 90 degrees under these conditions.
Cross-Section Triangle Dimensions
(Common Rafter Dimensions)
Rise = 9
Run = 12
Slope = 15
Projected Triangle Dimensions
(Valley Rafter Dimensions)
projected Rise to Line of β = 9
projected Run to Line of μ = 19.12870
Length along Slope of MIT = 21.14018

SPECIAL CASE: μ = 90 Degrees
Reference Data
9/12, 7¼ /12, 90° Total Deck Angle
9/12 Side
Hip Rafter, Overall Dimensions
Miter Angle
μ = 90
Bevel Angle
β = 38.85337 (DD)
Slope Angle of Cross-Section
α = 53.13010 (90 - SS)
Width of Rectangular Face = 9, Common Rafter RISE
Note the change of reference axis and relative position of the Common Rafter Pitch angle: the plane of the Common Rafter is revolved about the line of the rise to create the Hip Rafter plane.
Height of Rectangular Face = N/A, enter Zero

     RETURNS to five decimal places:
Compare these angles and dimensions to the values generated by the Valley Rafter calculation above.
Miter Angle on Sloped Face
MIT = 45.19825 (90 - P2)
Angles on Projected Triangle
Projected 90 - α
BEV = 25.19685 (R1)
Projected α
ρ = 64.80315 (90 - R1)
Angles on Parallelogram
(Supplementary pair of projected Right Angles)
These angles remain right angles.
Dihedral Angle along Sloped Face
XDIH = 62.14391 (90 - C5)
Blade Angle = 27.85609 (C5)
Dihedral Angle along Line of β
YDIH = 90 , Blade Angle = Zero
Dihedral Angle along Line of μ
ZDIH = 141.14663 (180 - DD)
Blade Angle = 51.14663 (90 - DD)
Cross-Section Triangle Dimensions
(Common Rafter Dimensions)
Rise = 12
Run = 9
Slope = 15
Projected Triangle Dimensions
(Valley Rafter Dimensions)
projected Rise to Line of β = 19.12870
projected Run to Line of μ = 9
Length along Slope of MIT = 21.14018