Hello Kitty's Family & Friends


Hello Kitty- Hello Kitty was born on November 1st and she lives in London, England with her parents and her twin sister, Mimmy. Her hobbies include traveling, music, reading, and best of all making new friends. After all, as Hello Kitty always says, you can never have too many friends.


Mimmy- Mimmy is Kitty's twin sister. She is shy, and a bit of a homebody. Kitty and Mimmy always spend time together because they are best friends. Mimmy wears a ribbon on her right ear so people can tell her and Kitty apart.


Mama- Mama's name is Mary White. She is very kind and loving. Mama loves cooking and taking care of the house. Her apple pie is famous.


 Papa- Papa's name is George White. He has a fabulous sense of humor and loves to make his family laugh. Papa works for a trading company. He is always hardworking and dependable, but sometimes a little absent-minded.


Fifi- Fifi is all talk, all action. This precocious little miss doesn't know the meaning of "time out".


Cathy- A quiet, gentle little girl bunny, Cathy's always thinking of others before herself. She is like everybody's older sister.


Thomas- Thomas is an energetic young bear. He loves to roller-skate wherever he goes.


Mory- Mory lives in Hello Kitty's garden. He is very shy.


Tim and Tammy- Timmy and Tammy are mischievous little monkeys. Where there's fun afoot, these two are always in the middle of it.


Tracy- Tracy is always up to some harmless mischief. This perky little raccoon is everyone's pal!


Rory- Rory lives in the forest. He met Hello Kitty there when she was gathering flowers. He taught her the secrets of the forest.


Jody- A dog with a noggin for knowledge. Loves to study, and wants to be a researcher some day.


Tippy- Tippy is strong and kind-hearted, this big lad wants to be Kitty's #1 beau.


Mr. Ticket Taker- Mr. Ticket Taker owns and runs the amusement park.


Mr. Policeman- Mr. Policeman makes sure that everybody in town is safe.


Joey- Joey is Hello Kitty's best friend. He's the most popular guy at school even though he's a bit of a butterfingers. Joey's always top notch in track events.


Joey's Girlfriend-  Joey's Girlfriend is as active as he is and often keeps him running!



 Thank- You to this site, for all of the character information*




