Joe Bates Alternative Endings

Chapter 62

by Donna Allyson McLeod

.......... When Joe pulled the company van into Linda's driveway he noticed that Linda's car was already in the garage. Joe parked off to the side so that she could get out in the morning as she left for work before he did.

.......... As he entered the kitchen through the side entrance he heard the TV playing in the living room. "Hi Linda, I'm home.' Joe called from the kitchen. "Hi Joe. If your going to make something to drink bring me one too?" Linda called back.

.......... Joe make some ice tea and lemon. They both liked that. Joe noticed his hand was trembling as he carried the glasses. Strange he thought, he knew he was a little nervous about this talk he knew he had to have with Linda, but in the past he had never had his hand shake at the thought of having to do something unpleasant. Joe considered that this must be is new hormones at work.

.......... Joe carried the glasses into the living room and handed one to Linda.

.......... "Hi Sweetie." Joe said. He deliberately did not bend down and kiss Linda as was his custom when they met. Joe felt out of place doing that now that he had decided to make this life as a girl permanent. It just would not be right he thought.

.......... Linda being a very astute woman immediately noticed this omission. "Is something wrong Joe?"

.......... "Why no not at all. As a matter of fact it was a very interesting day." Joe replied .

.......... "Joe your a woman now. I've been one all my life. I know when there is something wrong with another woman. "What is it.?" I am a good Listener."

.......... "Linda I don't know how to tell you this except directly and to the point. I want you to know that I love you very much. More than anyone else in my life. But, look at me, I don't look any older than an eighteen year old girl." And you know, I feel like one too. I really have gotten to like it as well. I came to a decision today that I would not change back even if I could. Dr. Krell told us today that there is no possibility of that happening anyway. The Cage will not work in reverse."

.......... Linda spoke up, " So where does that leave us? Do you want to move out?"

.......... Joe sat on the sofa next to Linda who had tears streaming down her face. He put his now delicate hand to her face and let her tears run over his fingers. Joe had tears running down his own face.

.......... "Linda I think it is best. I owe it to you to let you be free to choose someone, a MAN, who can be to you what I can never be again." Joe was sobbing openly now as was Linda.

.......... "But Joe..." Sobbed Linda, "What are you going to do, we .... us..." the question was not completed as Linda was crying openly now.

.......... "Linda, Linda this is not the end for us.... I would never want you to be out of my life. But I have got to be a woman, all woman. I am going to have to be a wife to a man some day as you must be also. It is the only way we can be truly happy."

.......... Linda had stopped crying. She looked at Joe for al long time without saying anything. She reached out to Joe and they embraced.

.......... "Joe, if I can't be you fiancee anymore, can I at least be the SISTER that you never had?"

.......... "Linda, you have made me the happiest girl in the world. I would love nothing better than we become sisters. I will always love you like a sister and more. I will be your sister Jo-Ellen" Joe said.

.......... "Jo-Ellen?" said Linda. "How appropriate." They both embraced again. Giggling like schoolgirls.

.......... They talked long into the night about everything that had happened that day. Joe told Linda about Tim's decision and new name. He also told her about Mary and how Dave was accepting his new status well. Linda was fascinated at the developments. The two "sisters" were becoming close in a new sort of way.

.......... Joe spent his last night Linda's house as her fiancee. It would not be the last time he stayed there however in a completely new relationship. Joe was extremely happy when he finally went to his room. The night had gone quite well after all.

.......... He planned to moved back to his apartment the next day.


.......... Joe thought of the things Linda and he had done in bed together and he concluded that he and Linda would not be able to do those things together again. 'Sisters' did not do that sort of thing. Jo did not realize it at that moment, but She and Linda would however do many things together in the future as close friends and confidants.

.......... Joe heard the alarm ringing. He swung his feet out of the bed. His head was swimming. He remembered. He and Linda had talked long into the night. It was after 2:00 am when they had finally gone to be. He remembered how he had been so apprehensive at the thought of having to tell Linda of his decision and he smiled at how Linda had turned it into something wonderful. She was one remarkable and lovely person. Joe thought. Some lucky guy was going to make one heck of a catch. If only it could have been him.

.......... Joe decided that he was not going to get melancholy of this turn of events. He had a long day ahead of him. He had to get to the Lab by 0800 and get that therapy treatment before he turned into a little girl himself. He looked in the mirror. Had he changed any? I concluded that he may have, a little, but not enough to worry about. He still looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old. Hopefully the de-aging process at would stop today after the therapy. He noticed that his hair was starting to get longer, it seemed to be growing at a lot faster lately, he thought. That please him. He could at least try to make his hair look more feminine now. Jo wondered what it would be like to have long straight silky hair. He decided that he would let it grow out until it was at least mid back length.

.......... Joe planned to keep his afternoon and evening open. He wanted to get moved back to his apartment today. He had a lot of work to do there to make it look and feel like a girl's apartment. He wondered how to get the apartment changed to his new name. He had a plan for that forming in the back of his mind.

.......... Joe peeked his head into Linda's room. She was not there. Joe went into the kitchen and found the coffee was already made. He poured a cup and went to the breakfast counter. On the counter he found a note. It Read:

.......... " Joe, I left early today. I felt you needed some time alone and so do I. I want you to know that I understand how you feel now that you are destined to stay as a woman. It must have been a hard when you found out that there was no way back. I also understand the decision you had to make regarding us but I understand. I don't believe either of us would want to have a lesbian relationship. But I do want, as I said last night, to always be your friend and 'sister'. I think that you probably should try living on your own. You have come a 'Long way baby', and I know that you can make it now. I will be going to my parent's place in Boston for a couple of weeks. If you need me for anything you can call me there. The number is 617-555-3355. Feel free to take your time moving your stuff. By the way, I bought you some things from Mary Kay Cosmetics that I know you would need and probably forget to buy. They are on your vanity. I will call you when I get back. Give my regards to all the other new girls. I still love you. Jo-Ellen." -Linda-

.......... Joe felt a warm and sincere feeling of fondness for this woman. He noticed that Linda had referred to him in closing as Jo-Ellen and He knew then that he had been released by Linda from any further Man / Woman relationship. Linda had in her own way come to accept his irrevocable womanhood. He now had no reason to consider himself anyone other that Jo-Ellen Bates, a single female professional. Jo-Ellen sighed and felt relieved.

.......... Jo-Ellen finished her coffee and went in to take a shower. As she passed the mirror in the bathroom she stopped and examined herself critically. She was satisfied that she was indeed an attractive young woman. Jo-Ellen thought to herself, "If now the therapy works, I can probably be very happy looking like this." Jo-Ellen stepped into the shower and felt totally relaxed and at ease with herself as the warm water cascaded over her supple curves. She lingered there for awhile contemplating the events of the last two weeks, then realizing that she had better get ready to go to the Lab, she snapped out of her day-dream and put her mind to getting ready. She looked at the small clock. 7:00 am, Jo-Ellen decided that she would have to return here to Linda's later in the day. She just did not have time to pack now.

.......... Jo-Ellen decided to wear the pink short sleeve sun-dress she had purchased the previous evening. She selected white panties and under wire bra and a white half slip. These along with some white knee high nylons would look nice and still feel and look cool. The sun dress was long enough to come to about mid calf so the top of the nylons would not show.


.......... Jo-Ellen used some of the cosmetics that Linda had left for her. She applied the makeup and when she was done she realized that it was almost like second nature. Jo-Ellen was surprised when she was done. She had not struggled with it at all like before. Looking in the mirror she brushed out her increasingly longer hair and was satisfied that it looked satisfactory and feminine. She returned to the bedroom and finished dressing. When finished, she walked around the room feeling how the dress and slip felt against her legs. It was a sensuous feeling, totally feminine. She could not help but feel glad she was going to stay a female. Jo-Ellen finished by applying a light pink lipstick to match her pink nail polish that Linda had insisted she try the previous evening. She stood up and reviewed how she looked in the full length mirror. Jo-Ellen, with the last bit of her former male scrutiny, decided that she had indeed become a very beautiful but somewhat young woman. She was quite satisfied. Jo-Ellen put on a pair of white low heel pumps, picked up her small white purse. Checking that she had her wallet and keys in the purse. She checked her appearance one last time. She then went outside and locked the door to Linda's house. She went and got in the company van and headed for the Lab. It had now been two full weeks since the "Change".

.......... Jo-Ellen arrived at the company parking lot just as most of the female office people were arriving. As she walked across the lot she noticed a group of five women standing by the gate. Jo, which is how she had decided to be called informally, showed her badge to the guard. "Good morning Miss Bates. You look lovely today." He said. "Good Morning Pat. Thank you." Jo replied. Jo knew that the young guard who was barely eighteen, had been watching her as she walked across the lot. "I used to me like that at his age. He probably had me 'undressed' before I got ten feet." Mused Jo to herself .

.......... As Jo passed the guard, she heard a feminine voice call to her. "Excuse me, Joe Bates, Joe is that you?" The voice sounded apologetic. Jo turned and it was one of the young secretaries in the group that was standing just inside the gate. It was Carol Hargraves. Jo knew the young woman quite well. She was one of the girls in the finance dept. Jo had dated her a couple of times before he met Linda. One of the other women was a little older. Jo knew her name was Nancy O'Malley. She was the Assistant Manager of Personnel.

.......... Jo was now getting a lot more courage when dealing with women, but this was the first time since his change that he had been approached by any of the females at Honeybone since he had come back from San Diego. Jo felt a slight feeling of embarrassment. He was going to have to interface with five of his female co-workers at once.

.......... "Hi Carol. It is nice to see you again. Hi Nancy." Jo said with his now very feminine voice. He looked at each of the other women. "Hi." Jo said to them nonchalantly. The five women were looking at Jo with intense interest. Jo knew that they were scrutinizing her. She felt a strange uneasiness.

.......... Jo thought to herself, "If this is a setup, they are in for a big surprise."

.......... "Jo we don't want to seem to forward, but is it true that all you guys that were in the test lab two weeks ago have been turned into girls?" Carol asked.

.......... "Yes that's true. Carol. Some malfunction of the equipment changed us genetically so that our bodies took the female gender." Guess it is a unique industrial accident. Replied Jo.

.......... "Really. I heard rumors about it but I found it hard to believe. Did this accident change you... er.. aah, all over. I mean....." Carol was stammering.

.......... Jo decided to see where this would lead. She decided to tell them the truth. Better to get it out in the open now than to let the rumor mill make up stories.

.......... "Yes Carol. All over. Inside and out. I tell you girls what, how about if we go into the cafeteria and I will tell you all about it. I don't want you to think when you see us in the ladies room that you have some guy in there." Jo said.

.......... "Good idea Joe. You understand we are just dying of curiosity." Replied Nancy. "By the way Joe. If your still a guy, you sure do look nice in that outfit." Nancy continued.

.......... "Thanks Nancy but you can be sure that there is no guy under this dress now." Jo laughed.

.......... When Jo and the five women walked into the cafeteria, Jo noticed Tammy and Michelle sitting together at one of the tables. Jo walked over to where they were sitting. The five women followed oblivious to who the two other women at the table were. They may have thought that they were just two more of the women employees and that they would like to hear this story too. The five women were in for an surprise.

.......... Jo gave Michelle a subtle wave of her hand. Michelle immediately knew that something was up and he whispered to Tammy to play along. Jo approached the table and took a seat opposite his two friends. The other women took seats as they found them with exception of Carol who sat opposite Jo.

.......... "Ladies, I don't think you know my two friends here. This is Tammy and Michelle. This is Nancy and Carol, the other ladies I don't recall their names. They all said hello to each other. The other tree girls introducing themselves as Denise, Kathy and Virginia.

.......... Carol started the conversation by telling Tammy and Michelle that they had heard that some of the guys had been had an accidental sex change done by some of the equipment at the plant that Joe here was one of them and that he was going to tell them about it. "She." Said Michelle. "Excuse me?" asked Carol. "She." Continued Michelle. She is going to tell you about it. You said 'He", Jo is a woman now and is no longer a 'He'." Said Michelle. "Well that remains to be seen." Said Nancy sarcastically. "That can be arraigned." Said Tammy.

.......... "You seem awfully sure of yourself Miss." Said Virginia.

.......... "Girls. I think I owe you an apology and the truth. I had the feeling that you girls were trying to set me up and I needed some reinforcements. I would Like you to meet Tim Werner and Mike Osborn. These guys were with me in the lab when the accident happened. As you can see they too are quite changed.

.......... "And obviously for the better too" Michelle responded.

.......... Jo could not help but admire how his friend was really quite comfortable with his new situation. It was obvious that Michelle really liked being a woman now.

.......... There was silence at the table for a full thirty seconds. Carol was the first to speak. "Joe it is true then. Really. You guys really had a sex change then."

.......... "No Carol. Not a sex change." Replied Jo.

.......... "What do you mean. I don't understand." Asked Nancy.

.......... "A 'Sex Change' is one in which a man has surgical procedures done and receives hormones and other therapy to give him the outward appearance, and demeanor of a woman. These people do not have the internal reproductive organs of true women." Answered Jo.

.......... "And you do?" asked Carol. She had an obvious inquisitive look on her face.

.......... "Carol, Take my word for it. We, all of us that got near that equipment and it's radiation have been changed into real women. No sex change stuff, All of us have developed all the necessary parts necessary to get pregnant. And we have to do that the same way as you. That is the true test for being totally female. I hope that is proof enough."

.......... "You mean... You mean you have a Vagina, a uterus, ovaries, all that." she asked incredulously.

.......... "Yup." Said Tammy. And we are getting younger every day. I am almost twenty two, Joe here and Michelle are around thirty."

.......... "That's amazing," said Nancy. You don't look more than thirteen or fourteen."

.......... "I know. But hopefully that will stop today. Our doctor is here with a new drug that should stop this getting younger thing although it won't reverse anything that has already happened.

.......... Jo offered a suggestion, "Carol, If you have a minute and we can be alone, I will prove to you that I am Joe Bates. "Ok Joe , replied Carol. Lets go to the ladies' Lounge." Carol and Jo got up from the table and left the room. When they returned a few minutes later, Carol had an obvious blush on her face.

.......... "What's up, with you Carol?' Nancy asked.

.......... "Well, I dated Joel Bates a few times and I asked Joe here a few intimate questions that only Joel knew. Girl's take it from me. He oops.... she really is Joel Bates. And..... She is a girl. I got to take a peek."

.......... Everyone stopped laughing except Michelle and Tammy. They were obviously enjoying this whole scene.

.......... Jo winked at Tammy and Michelle. Jo obviously had enjoyed is "talk" with Carol. Nancy looked at the three "new" girls. The other five girls just looked on with incredulity.

.......... "Joe I am really sorry. We.. I, really thought this whole thing was some sort of a joke. That you were not really women. That accident was for real then?" Asked Nancy.

.......... Jo felt sorry for these women. It was probably their way of making sure that there were no 'roosters in the hen house'.

.......... "Joe I don't know what to say, Welcome to the fraternity maybe." Nancy said with a smile. With that the mood at the table changed. The other girls all got up and each came over to the new girls and they whole group began to hug each other. "Girls," she emphasized the 'Girls' , said Nancy. I would like each of you to come to Personnel when you get a chance. We need to get you each a new ID badge with your new picture on it. "OK. We'll do that as soon as we can. I'll tell Peterson to come to. Nancy looked at Jo with a funny question on her face. Jo smiled. "Yes Nancy. Norm Peterson, the President of this company is also one of us now. He used the cage two days ago. He is Norma Peterson now. The girls around the table all started to giggle at the news. Once the news got out, and Jo was sure this group would do it, there would be no further problems with any of the females at Honeybone in the future.

.......... Jo, Michelle, and Tammy also got away from the table and went down the hall to the Lab.

.......... When Jo, Tammy and Michelle entered the lab, Dr. Krell, Norma, Dave and Karen were already there. "Good morning everybody Michelle said cheerfully, I see everyone is here." "Hi guys." Dave said enthusiastically. "You guys. ready for the good doctor's "home brew?"

.......... Jo noticed that Dave was obviously in a cheerful mood.

.......... "I guess so Dave, I sure hope it works. At least if it does we won't be getting any more surprises."

.......... "I hope so too," said Tammy. "I think my boobs shrunk two sizes last light. I am really starting to look like a little girl now."

.......... Jo had noticed that Tammy had taken on a more child like appearance since yesterday. It was obvious that she was going to end up the kid in the group. Jo felt a little bit of pity for her. It had to be hard for her, after all she had been a twenty one year old man and now she now looked like a twelve year old girl. Jo really hoped for Tammy's sake that this therapy worked.

.......... Dr. Krell noticed this too. "Tammy, why don't we start with you first?" "Karen, will you start Tammy on the "drip"? It is set up in the examining room.

.......... Karen and Tammy left the lab and went into the dispensary closing the door behind themselves.

.......... "So where is our new fraternity sister?" Jo asked.

.......... "She is still in the holding room Jo. You people are using that cage so fast that I had to bring in one of my other nurses from San Diego to help me. Your friend has just finished up her exams and Julie, my other nurse is helping to get her ready to see you ladies. I figure by the time I have you all finished with your IV treatment she should be ready to meet you." Dr. Krell had a very big smile on his face. "You will be surprised." Jim is completely transformed and I don't think he will suffer the de-aging process either. I gave her the therapy drip as soon as the initial changes had finished." Krell said.

.......... Karen opened the dispensary door and motioned for Jo and Dave to come in. "I Have two other drips set up. Why don't you two get comfortable on the two chairs. This will only take a few minutes."

.......... Jo and Dave went over and sat down. Karen was just finishing up with Tammy.

.......... " I hope this works Jo." Said Tammy pointedly. "I'm sure it will." Dr. Krell is the best there is in this field. Don't worry sweetie. I don't think you will be getting any younger now. Karen replied. "You do look really cute though. I would sure like to changes places with you." Karen continued. "Not if you had to wear girl's size 14 you wouldn't." said Tammy jokingly.

.......... Tammy winked at Jo and Dave.

.......... "Tammy dear, would you ask Norma and Michelle to come in now."

.......... "Ok Karen." Tammy said as she turned and left the dispensary.


.......... It was all over in about forty five minutes. Karen with her very organized and professional manner had given everyone the IV therapy with the efficiency of a blood drive nurse. Everyone had returned to the lab by 9:30 am.

.......... "If everyone would go into the lounge area I will bring Jim out to meet you all there. It is a little bit crowd here, in the lab." Said Dr. Krell. With that said, he and Karen left the lab and went into the holding room.

.......... Jo-Ellen, Dave, Tammy, Norma, Michelle, and Mary all walked over to the lounge. God. Thought Jo. This is getting to look like a secretary's convention. She giggled out loud at the thought.

.......... Everyone sat together at the large table in the lounge. While they waited for Jim to join them, The conversation was taken up with each of the new girls relating their feelings and experiences with their new gender. It was pretty much agreed that except for a few minor difficulties, everyone was pretty much getting accustomed to the change. Mary was the newest of the transsexuals and she was still unsure of herself. Tammy assured her that she and Becky would help her through it.

.......... After about an hour, the door to the lounge opened and to everyone's surprise, a very lovely young woman of about fifteen years old came into the lounge accompanied by Karen.

.......... "Tada." Said the young girl. "How do you guys like this outfit?" she asked with a big smile.

.......... It had been agreed upon earlier by everyone that they would give Jim a warm greeting when he came in.

.......... "HI SIS. WELCOME TO THE CLUB" said all the other women simultaneously. They all clapped and smiled. Dave even let out a cat whistle.

.......... Jim looked gorgeous. She was wearing a light pink dress with a full circle hem that came down to just above her knees. She wore white pantyhose and pink pumps with a two inch heel. The long hair that Jim had normally tied back in a ponytail was now washed and set in a lovely style that came down the side of her face and curled inward just at the base of her neck. Her eyes had changed to give her a definite feminine look. Jim's cheekbones were a lot higher than they had been before. She wore white button clip on earrings and a pretty white pearl necklace. She looked every bit a sixteen years old budding young lady.

.......... Jo thought to herself that as Jim finished up her changes over the next few weeks, that she would be the pride of any man who Jim was with.

.......... Jim came over and sat with the rest of the gathering when the applause died down. She was smiling ear to ear although she was also blushing very noticeably.

.......... "I can see on all your faces that you girls are just dying of curiosity." Jim said with a smile.

.......... "We're all ears. Come on Jim we are just going to bust if you don't tell us why?" said Tammy

.......... "Well I guess it has always been on my mind. I have since I was a kid had these feelings that something was wrong. I used to get envious when I would see the girls in my school looking so pretty with their dresses on. I used to wish I was one of them. I even used to sneak into my sister's room when no one was home and try on her clothes. Of course I was always afraid I would get caught so I would do it real quick and then put everything away. After I got out of high school I toyed with the idea that maybe I should get a sex change or something, but of course I did not know how to go about that or even if it was possible. Well anyway I went on to college and with all my studies I kind of put that stuff behind me. I will say however that every once in a while I would still get kind of sad that I could not be one of the lovely coeds at my school."

.......... "Too bad you did not know Dr. Krell then Jim. I was fortunate that I met him at the right time. I had the same feelings as you too. It is frustrating to be someone you don't want to be." Karen remarked.

.......... "Ya tell me about it. Anyway when I saw what that cage did to you guys and realized that there was no adverse effects, I was determined to give it a try." Said Jim.

.......... Norma looked at Jim and asked, "Why didn't you tell us how you felt Jim? I know I would have had no problems with you using the cage. I can relate to your problem. I had the same one.

.......... "Well call it embarrassment if you want, but I figured that I would just do it and worry about it afterwards."

.......... "Any regrets Jim?" asked Michelle.

.......... "Not a one Michelle. After I saw what it did to me and this great new body I have, none. It's like a dream come true." Jim said emphatically.

.......... "Wait till you find out what you can do with it Jim. It's wonderful." Remarked Tammy with a knowing smile.

.......... "Well all I can say is that it sure is one nice looking body. I know us girls are going to have a great time taking you shopping and getting you a new wardrobe." Said Jo.

.......... "How about if we call it a day. I can wait until tomorrow to return to Minneapolis. I have just got to spend the day with our two newest girls here. Lets go downtown, do some shopping, get some good food and just enjoy each others company. Karen that includes you." Said Norma.

.......... It was decided. The group of women were going to do up the town and just enjoy being girls together.

.......... "Just one thing before we go, Jo, would you pull the plug on that cage for today. I don't think we want all the men at Honeybone running down to try that thing today. I think Dr. Krell needs a break for awhile." Norma said laughing at her remarks."

.......... At that, everyone headed for the parking lot and a nice day together.

.......... It was late in the afternoon when the group finally broke up.

.......... Tammy, Mary and Jo had made arrangements to meet the following day at the Hertz Rental Agency and they would drive to Tammy's parents home in Tucson. So Tammy could meet them for the first time as a girl.

.......... Jo arrived at Linda's house and parked the van in the driveway. It had been a long day and she knew that it was not going to be over until she had gathered her belongings and moved back into the old apartment. First things first however. Jo was going to take a long luxurious bubble bath. She remembered that Linda was not going to be home for the weekend and that she could take her time getting moved out. Jo felt a little sad about moving out of Linda's house and she was almost willing to forget the whole thing and stay with her, Jo knew in her heart that this was ending their intimate relationship but she also knew that it had to be done. Jo was feeling more like a woman every day and really did not want either herself or Linda to spend their lives in a lesbian relationship. Jo found herself looking forward to spending more time with Jay. Jo went into the house and went immediately to her bedroom. She took a clothes basket from the closet and put all her clothes that needed to be washed in the basket. She got undressed. Putting her underwear in the clothes basket and her dress on a hanger, Donning her bathrobe, she started to gather her clothing from the closet and placed them neatly on the bed. She then took her new luggage and packed her lingerie and other personal items from her dresser. Jo went into the bathroom. Filling the tub with warm water and bubble bath beads she lowered herself into the tub. Jo felt the warm silky smooth water engulf her body and enjoying the sensation let her mind drift. Jay was the first thought to come to her mind. Jo smiled. It is strange she thought, Jay was more and more often becoming her foremost paramount interest. Jo decided to give Jay a call later in the evening as soon as she got back to the apartment. Jo knew that she wanted Jay to be with her tonight. She felt an overpowering need to have him with her tonight. Jo finished her bath. She put on a clean bra, fresh pair of pink cotton panties and matching camisole. She selected a pullover light green sleeveless jersey and a pair of soft denim jeans. After adjusting her makeup and brushing her hair, she took her personal belongings out to the van. Jo made a final check of the house, left a note for Linda to call when she got home and then drove over to his/her old apartment.

.......... Since Joe had rented the apartment with the right to sublease, She wrote a letter to the landlord indicating that he {Joe Bates) was leaving town for an extended period and that he was sub-leasing his apartment to his sister Jo-Ellen Bates. This scenario would explain why a female was now living in Joe's apartment.

.......... When Jo arrived in his apartment and brought all her belongings inside, she immediately packed all her male clothing into plastic bags. These would be donated to a local charitable clothing drive. Jo hung up her clothes in the closet, put her other clothing in the dressers after spraying some cologne in the drawers. Jo had picked up a couple of nice pretty sets of sheets and curtains from the Bed and Bath shop on the way home. She stripped the bed and removed the curtains from the windows. She replace the bed linen and matching curtains with a pretty pink and pale green floral set. Satisfied that the bedroom was a little more feminine, she called Jay. The phone was answered by Jay's answering machine. Jo started to leave a message that she would like Jay to come over to the old apartment. Jay picked up the phone before Jo could finish the message.

.......... "Hi Beautiful." Jay said with obvious sincerity.

.......... "Hi Jay, Are you doing anything tonight?" asked Jo.

.......... "No, just sitting here going over some paperwork for a case next week."

.......... "I called to let you know that I am back in my old place. I thought if you were free you might want to come over for awhile. I am a little lonely and could use some company." Said Jo.

.......... "Well I tell you what Jo, I'll pick up some Chinese food and some wine and I will be over in a snap." Said Jay.

.......... "Ok, will be waiting." Jo said seductively.

.......... The tone in Jo's voice was not lost on Jay.

.......... "Ok. I'll be there in about 45 minutes."

.......... Jo could not help the feelings that she was getting. She was self conscious of the fact that she had for the first time deliberately invited a man to visit in a manner that was obviously seductive. Jo felt the wetness in her panties. Damned she thought, I am getting in deep here. Still, Jo felt a need for Jay to be there. She felt as though she was not in control of herself. Jo felt at that moment more like a woman than at anytime since the change.

.......... Jo went into the bedroom and removed her clothes. She took a quick shower, touched up her hair and makeup. She then put on a pink bikini panties and matching bra. She then put on a sheer pink nightgown with white sheer wrap. Jay was ringing the doorbell in thirty five minutes.

.......... When Jo opened the door and Jay saw her standing there he almost dropped the bags her was carrying. His expression was obviously one of awe. All hi could saw was "Wow."

.......... Jo took the bags from Jay and carried them to the kitchen and placed them on the counter top.

.......... Jay followed her into the kitchen and as Jo put the bags down, he reached out to Jo. He turned her around and without saying a word he kissed her.

.......... Jo returned the kiss eagerly. It was a tender but passionate kiss. Jo could feel her legs giving out under her. If Jay had not held her up, Jo was sure that she would have fallen to the floor. As the kiss ended, Jo and Jay looked at each other and without saying a word, they knew that they were in love with each other. To Jo it was a feeling totally strange. Jo knew that this was what she wanted. The feelings of a woman in love was wonderful. She thought.

.......... "Jay, I love you." Jo said with sincerity.

.......... "And I love you too Jo. Said Jay. They kissed again, long and passionately.

.......... "Sweetheart, Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive. Jay asked Jo.

.......... Jo replied. "Oh yes Jay. Yes, yes, yes." Jo was overcome with the most intense feeling of happiness, she felt an immense sense of inner peace that she had never felt before as a man. It was so different and yet the same as when she, as Joe, had asked Linda to marry him.

.......... That night they made love. But this time it was not just an act of pleasure. This time it was done as only two people totally in love with each other can do. Jo had no fear this time. She wanted Jay to make her pregnant. Jo knew she really loved Jay and she wanted him to take her to the ultimate of womanhood, to be the mother of his child.

.......... As morning dawned, Jo awoke cuddled in Jay's arms. She looked at the clock and it was only five AM. Jo lay there looking at Jay's still sleeping face and happy in the knowledge that she had made the right decision. She contemplated her relationship of just a month earlier when she was still a male and Jay's best pal. How things had changed. She was still Jay's best pal but in a totally different way. She was going to be his wife. Jo smiled with happiness. Jay stirred and then opened his eyes. He looked at Jo and smiled. " "Good morning sweetheart." Said Jay "Hi there handsome man. I thought you would sleep all morning." Jo replied. "Not on your life, not with the loveliest lady in the world snuggled up to me," "Oh I bet you say that to all your girlfriends." Was Jo's teasing reply. "Gee, are there other girls in the world? I thought you were the only one." Jay bantered back. Jo did not reply. She swung her leg over Jay's abdomen so that she was straddling his groin. Jay's penis had come to attention and Jo was determined to take advantage of the situation.

.......... "Well let me try to convince you that I am the only girl for you sweetie."

.......... Jo lowered her vagina down over Jay's stiff member. She was intent on making Jay happy. Jo let Jay lay on the bed while she did the work from the top. Jay lay there obviously in total ecstasy as Jo moved up and down on his erection. Jo found herself having orgasm time and again. She felt Jay start to shudder and then she felt his warm sperm enter her body. She dropped herself all the way down on his shaft. She wanted his sperm to have the shortest path possible to her ovaries. Jo was overwhelmed with the need to make sure that Jay impregnated her. Jo had done her work well. She did not know it then but twin girls would result from her perseverance.

.......... "You convinced me. Your my girl." Jay commented with a smile. They kissed long and passionately.

.......... Jo and Jay lay an the bed for another hour snuggled together and savored the moments.

.......... The alarm clock sounded at six thirty. Jo remembered that she was meeting Tammy and her sister at nine o'clock at the hanger for the trip to Tammy's parents house. Begrudgingly she got out of bed and sat on the toilet. She wondered if she peed if she would was out the sperm from Jay. She remembered her anatomy lessons. No those little wigglers would have done their job almost immediately. Jo finished up her toiletries and went into the shower.

.......... Jo finished her shower and after doing her makeup and hair she came back into the bedroom.

.......... Jay was awake and sitting on the edge of the bed. "What is the rush Jo." It is only 6:00 o'clock." said Jay.

.......... Jo told Jay of her promise to Tammy and that they were planning to leave at ten AM.

.......... "When will you be back Hon? I think we need to spend a some time together. We have a lot to talk about."

.......... Your right Jay. I tell you what, I will be gone two or three days at the most. When I get back I promise you that I won't go anywhere for at least two weeks and we will spend every night of that time together. OK?

.......... "OK. That's fair enough. Do you want me to drive you in or are you going to leave your car in the parking lot?"

.......... "We are going to rent a car for the drive over to Tammy's parents home in Tucson. I would appreciate a ride over to Hertz and a pick up on my return." Said Jo. "Done." Replied Jay.

.......... "Why don't you go take a shower while I get dressed. I will make us some breakfast while you get dressed." Said Jo. "OK." Replied Jay as he walked to the bathroom naked.

.......... Jo watched Jay as he left the bedroom. "No, I did not make a mistake this time. What a beautiful person he is." Jo said silently to herself.

.......... Not wanting to over dress for Tammy's meeting with her parents, Jo decided to wear a short cotton skirt with a desert floral print. She selected a light green pullover top. The outfit was appropriate for the desert temperatures at this time of year. Cool to wear in the hot sun yet not to revealing. Tan low heel sandals and beige pantyhose would finish off her outfit. Jo finished dressing and selected enough addition clothing to last for a three day stay. She also took two dresses that would be appropriate should they go out in the evening.

.......... Satisfied that she had everything she needed, she took her things out to Jay's car. She returned to the kitchen and made a light breakfast for Jay and herself.
