From Sun Oct 12 08:32:00 1997


So here we go...


Joe and Tim walked back into the lab where Michelle had joined the others,
making the little group complete.  Joe smiled at the muscular woman and
greeted her.  "Good morning, Michelle.  Your looking good."  Mike, or
Michelle as she liked to be called now, had been the most "macho" of all the
guys that had been exposed to the weird radiation that had transformed them
all into females, and now Michelle was probably the one adapting the easiest
of all of them.

"Oh, good morning Joe, and Tim!  You are both looking good!"  She winked at
them and turned her attention on Dave, who was finally adapting pretty well,
she thought.  Damn, Michelle thought, Dave's got bigger boobs than even I do.

As they greeted each other and made small talk, all of them embarrassing Dave
to death, Karen Simpson and Dr. Krell entered the lab, interrupting the
little get together.

"Well you are all here I see, good."  Dr. Krell said happily.  He looked down
at a clipboard in his hands and then back at them.  "That will make this
easier.  I'd like to speak with each of you individually, one at a time
starting with Tim here.  Tim, please come into the conference room with me."
He opened the door, waiting for the young man/woman to enter.  As soon as
they were inside, Dave turned to Joe.

"What's all that about?"  Dave asked curiously.

"I think it's best that Dr. Krell tells you guys himself."  Joe said

Michelle spoke up too.  "Oh, c'mon Joe.  If you know, tell us!"  They were
all curious as hell.

Karen came to Joe's defense, however.  "Guys, Joe's right.  You might like
to here this from Dr. Krell.  It'll be your turn in just a few minutes, don't

As soon as Karen said that, Tim and Dr. Krell came back into the room.  Tim
had a shocked look on his young face.  He came up and stood next to Joe.  Joe
could see that Tim was badly shaken by Dr. Krell's news.  Joe took Tim's
small hand in his own and gave it an affectionate squeeze.  Tim blinked and
looked up at Joe, smiling.

Dr. Krell took Dave into the small conference room next and Michelle after
that, and finally as he was in with Phillip, they began talking about the
news.  Joe was the first one to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Well, at least now we won't have to worry about birth control, if we can't
get pregnant.  I don't know about you guys, but I SURE don't want to be
somebody's mother.  Father, yes, but not their MOTHER."  Joe said cautiously.

They all murmured agreements, except Tim who was still quiet and visibly
shaken by the news.  Joe wanted, more than anything else right then, just to
get out, and spend some time alone.  He looked down at Tim beside him and
smiled at him.  He looked over at Michelle, their eyes locked, and then he
looked down at Tim.  Michelle followed his gaze and understood.  She would
try to help make Tim feel better.  Joe then left without so much as a goodbye
and left the Honeybone labs teary eyed and upset.   Joe, driving blindly,
made his way over to Linda's house and was glad to see that Linda wasn't
there, she must still be at work.

I just want to be alone right now, Joe thought to himself as he pulled into
the driveway and parked his RX-7.  He went in the house and went straight to
his bedroom and collapsed on the bed, sobbing hysterically.

I'm a freak, he sobbed to himself.  I'm not a man or a woman, and I can't
take it.  He laid on his bed and cried for what seemed like forever when he
heard a knock on the door.

Oh great, I wonder who it is.  What now? he thought to himself.  He went to
the door and opened it to reveal his longtime friend Jay Logan.  He and Jay
had been best buddies forever, it seemed, and now with Joe's change, he and
Jay's relationship had gone from drinking buddies to... lovers?

"Hey Joe, what's wrong?"  His handsome face showed obvious concern.  Joe let
him inside and closed the door and then collapsed into Jay's arms, crying
into Jay's masculine chest.  Jay put his arms around his beautiful friend
and held Joe tightly saying soothing things to him.

Jay led them over to the couch and sat down, carrying Joe along with him
effortlessly.  Joe cried in Jay's strong arms and suddenly became aware of
Jay's very male presence.  Here in Jay's arms, Joe felt safe, comforted.  He
told Jay so, getting red faced with embarrassment as he did so, but glad that
he told him.

Jay lifted Joe's chin and looked into his eyes, smiling at him lovingly and
then gently kissed Joe on the lips.  Joe was shocked by this, but returned
the kiss warmly, affectionately as they kissed like two long lost lovers,
which perhaps in a way, they were.  As their kiss grew hungrier and more
intense, Joe melted into Jay's arms and let himself go, feeling his arousal
as his vagina began lubricating itself, wanting to be filled.  

As they broke their kiss, a dazed Joe looked into Jay's eyes.  "Jay, I need
you.  Please make love to me."  Jay smiled and nodded his head and the two
of them walked into his bedroom looking into each other's eyes.  Jay began
undressing Joe and, Joe offering no resistance, he continued.  He slowly
removed Joe's white blouse and then his gray slacks, until Joe was standing
in front of Jay only in his bra, panties and socks.  Jay looked over his
gorgeous friend and grinned widely.

He removed Joe's bra and kissed each hardening nipple as he uncovered it, and
then slipped Joe's panties off, leaving Joe only in his socks.  Joe'd kicked
his pumps off earlier and Jay leaned down lifted Joe's curvy legs one at a
time, removing the socks from his feet and kissing Joe's ankles as he
uncovered them.  Joe, now nude in front of his fully dressed pal, felt very
self conscious but happy.  It felt right all the sudden, being with Jay like
this.  Jay stood up and looked into Joe's eyes and whispered "beautiful" to
him as he feasted his eyes on his friend.

Jay began undressing himself and soon was as naked as Joe was.  The two of
them stood naked in front of each other, gazing hungrily at each other and
feeling extremely horny.  Jay took Joe into his arms once again and kissed
Joe ravenously.  He led the unresisting Joe to the bed and gently laid him
back onto the bed and laid down on top of him, kissing him again with real

Joe couldn't believe he was enjoying this so much.  Here he was, with his
best friend, his drinking buddy, making love with him like a honeymooning
couple!  But he couldn't deny the feelings he was experiencing.  It must be
the hormones or something, he mused.  Jay was kissing and roughly caressing
Joe's breasts, indeed Joe thought, Jay seemed to be nearly worshipping the

"Mmmm, that feels good."  Joe purred seductively.  "Keep it up."

Jay complied, kissing and licking the sensitive aureole and nipples then
working his way down, to Joe's wet sex, sticking his tongue into Joe's naval,
getting a squeal of delight from his lover.  As Jay entrenched himself at
Joe's sex, Joe closed his eyes and purred.  Jay licked and kissed Joe's
glistening folds and exposed clit.  He gently sucked the erect clit into his
mouth and heard Joe moan in pleasure.

"Ooh, god that feels great!  Please don't stop!"  Joe was writhing all over
the king size bed, his head moving from left to right as an explosive orgasm
overtook his senses.  Jay climbed up the bed and lay beside Joe, lovingly
holding his friend as he recovered from his orgasm.

After a minute, Joe returned to reality.  Jay was holding him in his arms,
watching him with a big grin on his face.  "I take it you liked that?"  Jay
asked mischievously.

"God, yes."  He grinned devilishly.  "Best head I've EVER had!  Now then..."
Joe rolled onto his back and spread his legs suggestively.  "Mount up,
cowboy!"  Jay got between Joe's wide-spread legs then hesitated.

"Shouldn't we be using some kind of protection?"  He looked into Joe's eyes
as he spoke.

Joe nodded his head.  "Nope.  Don't worry about it.  Just do it."  He grinned
impishly.  Jay did just that.  He slowly entered Joe's tightness and both of
them sighed happily.  As Jay began slowly thrusting in and out of Joe, Joe
thought how strange the situation was.  Here he was, in his fiancee's house,
in bed with his best friend getting royally screwed by said friend.  He began
pushing his hips up in time with Jay's thrusts, loving the feeling of
fullness that Jay gave him when he filled him so completely.

Soon Joe began climbing the waves of pleasure on his way to another climax
and as Jay jerked on top of him emptying his seed inside him, Joe's orgasm
hit him hard and he spasmed wildly, lost in pleasure.  Jay collapsed on top
of him and kissed Joe lovingly.  Joe returned the kiss and Jay rolled over
beside Joe and held him in his arms.  This was his best friend, his buddy,
and yet, he'd become the woman of his dreams.  Joe was everything in a woman
he could ever want.  

"Joe I don't how you'll take this, but I.. I love you.  I love you Joe
Bates."  He looked into Joe's eyes and hoped.

Joe hesitated only momentarily.  "Oh Jay, I... I guess I love you, too."  He
smiled back at Jay shyly.  He blushed in embarrassment at the revelation.
His true emotions were just spilling out of him, in his emotional state.
Things he had hardly admitted to himself were coming out into the open.  

Jay looked at him funny.  "You guess?  Well I guess that's better than
yesterday."  He chuckled to himself.

Joe looked into his friend's eyes.  "Jay, today Dr. Krell told us something
really terrible.  We're freaks.  We're woman on the outside, but our
internals are still male!  I can't get pregnant even if I wanted to."  Tears
began welling up in his eyes.

"But I thought that's what you wanted?  Yesterday you told me you never
wanted to be a mother, now your telling me you can't anyway and that upsets
you now?"  It seemed like faulty logic to Jay.

Joe thought about it for a second and continued.  "Yes but don't you see.
I'm not a man or a woman, I'm stuck in between."  Jay realized that Joe was
on the verge of being hysterical again.

"Joe, your not a freak.  Your the victim of chromosomal damage.  You've
gotten the outward physical characteristics of a female without the worries
of periods or pregnancy.  Don't you see?  All the unprotected sex you want
without the risk of pregnancy!"  He grinned back at his friend.

Joe realized that Jay had something there.  "You know I think your right.
Thanks Jay, that makes me feel TONS better."  He grinned widely at Jay and
moved on top of him.

Joe straddled Jay's hips and took his cock and carefully placed it between
the folds of his labia.  As he impaled himself on Jay's erection, Joe smiled
down at Jay with a wicked smile on his face.  "Now let's get back to the
business at hand."  They stayed in bed all morning long, making love and
enjoying each other.  After a few hours, they fell asleep in each other's

Joe was awakened by a knock on the bedroom door.  The door opened and Linda
came in.  She smiled at the two of them.  "Well, good evening, you two
lovebirds.  Do you two realize it's six o'clock at night?"  She had a wide
grin on her face.  "Well, you two have fun.  I'm going to a club with a
friend.  Don't wait up."  She closed the door and left the house, leaving
Joe and Jay dazed and sleepy.

Well, Joe thought, time to get up.  Joe got out bed and went to the bathroom,
closing the door behind him.  He went to the toilet and sat down, relieving
himself as he thought about today's events.  The shocking news from Dr.
Krell, his emotional outburst, him and Jay having mind-blowingly great sex,
Jay's admission that he loved Joe, and even stranger, his own admission to
Jay that he loved him, too.  Why had he told him that?  Was it true?  He
guessed it was.  He did love Jay.  It was really the only logical way of
looking at it.  He thought much more of Jay than just a friend.  When he'd
been a man, he and Jay had been best friends, really even closer than
brothers.  And now, that had sort of translated into a romantic relationship
between him and Jay.

He had been telling himself that it had just been curiosity that brought him
and Jay together but he realized now that, at least this time, it had been
from love, not simple lust, that had brought them together.  He finished on
the toilet and wiped himself clean, washing his hands afterwards and then
returned to the bedroom where Jay was waiting for him back on the bed.  Joe
sat down on the bed indian-fashion and looked at Jay.

"Do you really love me Jay?"  He had to know.

"With all my heart old buddy.  It's true, I'm truly smitten."  He grinned

"Why would you want me?  I can't even give you any kids.  What about Barbara?"
Joe asked innocently.  

Jay took Joe in his arms and held him tightly as he answered him.  "Why do I
want you?  Joe you may not realize it, but you've turned into my dream woman
right before my very eyes.  Your beautiful, your smart, your mechanically
inclined, we share the same interests, and your great in the sack.  What more
could a guy ask for?"

Jay kissed Joe before he could answer him and Joe melted in his arms,
relishing the feeling of safety being in Jay's strong arms gave him.  They
broke the kiss and got out of bed.  Joe began getting dressed as Jay lay on
the bed and watched his friend.

Joe slipped into panties and was putting on his bra when he noticed Jay
staring.  He blushed and clasped the bra shut and gave Jay a dirty look.
"Why don't you get dressed.  I'm hungry, maybe we can go out somewhere?"
Jay got off the bed and began dressing as well, simply saying "sure"  as Joe
looked in his closet for something to wear.

Jay pulled out the red sun dress that he'd gotten with Karen and pulled it
on, loving the way it fit his curves snugly.  He reached into his closet and
got his red heels and put them on the bed, realizing he'd need hose if he
was going to wear the heels.  Joe reached into his underwear drawer and
pulled out a pair of dark hose and sat on the bed, slipping them on.  Jay
went into the bathroom while Joe put his heels on and he went into the
bathroom with Jay and brushed his short hair into as feminine a style as he
could, then touching up his make-up.  Jay watched this female ritual with
amusement on his face.

"Never thought you'd be worrying about make-up and perfume, did you?"  Jay
asked amused.

"Not in a million years."  Joe answered truthfully.  And he doesn't know the
half of it, Joe mused to himself.  He smiled and went outside to wait for
Jay, who appeared in a minute or two.

"Well, why don't we go get a bite to eat?"  Jay asked.

"Sure, where to?"  Joe asked as they went out the door and Joe locked it.

"You in the mood for italian?"  Jay asked as he held the door open of his
porsche for Joe.

Joe slipped inside, this time not quite so embarrassed by Jay treating him
like a lady.  Jay got behind the wheel and slipped his seat belt on as Joe
agreed to his suggestion for italian.

"All right, Olive Garden here we come."  They drove to the restaurant and
were seated immediately after they entered.  The waiter seated them and took
their drink orders, and they looked around, enjoying the atmosphere of the
place.  The waiter brought them their white wine and asked them if they were
ready to order.  They were, and they gave the waiter their food orders, who
then left them alone.

"Joe, why don't you stay at my place tonight?"  Jay asked.

"Sure, okay.  I guess I should head over to honeybone tomorrow morning, I
kind of left in a hurry this morning.  I guess I was pretty upset."  He
smiled at Jay who took Joe's hand and squeezed it.

"I'll say.  This morning I got a call from your friend Dave, who said you
were pretty upset, and I should maybe go over and try to cheer you up.  I'm
glad he called me."

Joe looked into Jay's eyes and grinned.  "I'm glad too."  He blushed, looking
down at his drink.  Why did he keep getting embarrassed all the time?  These
hormones coursing through his veins were really working overtime today, he
thought to himself.  If he couldn't be a man though, at least maybe he could
be a woman.  He had to try, anyway.  And he couldn't deny the feelings he was
experiencing the longer he spent close to Jay.  It just felt right, or
something.  He thought about his little friend Tim, who had seemed to take
the shocking news this morning pretty hard.  Well, he could understand that,
now.  He guessed he had taken it even harder than Tim had.

Their food arrived and they ate in silence, enjoying the salad, breadsticks
and pasta that the place was famous for.  They finished eating and Jay paid
the bill, and the two of them left, heading for Jay's house.  They arrived
and went inside, and Jay got them each a beer.  They sat on the love seat
together and watched a movie while sipping their beers and talking quietly.

Joe was genuinely enjoying the time he was spending with Jay, and a part of
him was scared to death about that.  Just two weeks ago, he had been a thirty
year old male, and here he was, acting like Jay's girlfriend.  Well, he
mused, I guess at this point, I am.  Now that his emotions were a little
more in check, he thought about today's events.  What about Linda?  If he
were to fully grasp his new femininity what did that say about his
relationship with Linda?

Should he move out of Linda's house?  Maybe he should ask Jay about it.

"Uh, Jay?"  He started uncomfortably.

Jay smiled at him.  "Yeah?"  It was obvious that Joe had something on his

"Um, do you think I should move out of Linda's house?  I mean, we sort of
broke up I guess.  And now with what happened today..."  Joe was tongue tied,
and too embarrassed to ask what he wanted to ask Jay.  

Jay seemed to sense what Joe was embarrassed about and let him off the hook.
"Joe why don't you move in here with me?  You know I have plenty of room
here, more than I need just for me.  What do you say?"  Jay was finding it
harder and harder to think of Joe as anything but the beautiful woman he
appeared to be.  The beautiful woman he wanted to claim as his own.

Joe was relieved that Jay had asked for him like that.  He was still
embarrassed about it, though.  Moving in with a guy, and not as a roommate,
either.  But as a girlfriend, a lover.  It was a bit overwhelming.  Lost in
thought, Joe didn't notice Jay waiting for his answer, looking at his lover

Joe looked over at Jay and only then realized that he hadn't answered him.
"Oh, I'm sorry Jay.  I guess I just got lost in thought.  Sure I'll move in,
thanks for asking."  Joe smiled and kissed Jay on the lips lightly.  "You'll
just have to bear with me, a little.  I'm still new to this girl stuff.  I'm
trying my best though."

Jay smiled.  "Your doing great, Joe.  I'm so impressed by the way you've
handled all of this.  I know I wouldn't have been able to handle it as well
as you have."

They were interrupted by the phone ringing.  Jay got up and answered it.  He
took the cordless phone and handed it to Joe.  "It's for you, it's Linda."

Joe took the phone from Jay.  "Hello?"

"Joe?  There you are.  I just got a call from your friend Tim.  He wants
you to call him.  And are you coming back over here tonight?"  Linda asked

"Thanks for relaying he message, Linda.  And no, I'm staying over here with
Jay tonight.  I'll be over in the morning and we can talk then okay?"  Joe
was NOT looking forward to THAT conversation.  

"Sure, okay.  See you in the morning then, bye Joe."

"Bye."  The phone line went dead and he dialed Tim's number, wanting to
return his call.

"Hello?"  Joe heard Tim's high pitched voice ask.

"Tim, it's me Joe.  I got your call.  What's up?"  Joe wondered how his
little friend was doing.  

"Well, after this morning, what with the weird news that Dr. Krell told us
about our internal organs and all, well I was wondering about going to see
my parents."  Tim still seemed nervous about meeting his parents, his father
especially, now that he had the outward appearance of a precocious thirteen
year old.

"You'd still like me to go with you, then?  I'd be happy to, you know."  It
was the least he could do, if it would make Tim feel more comfortable.

"Yeah, I was kind of hoping you would.  If you don't have any plans, could
you drive with me back home tomorrow?  It's only a two hour drive by car.
What do you think?"  Tim was nervous as hell, about meeting his parents, and
especially about having to do it alone.  He knew he'd feel a lot better if
Joe was with him when he told his parents about the accident.  If they saw
that he wasn't the only one that it had affected, they might take it better.

"Sure, Tim.  That sounds just fine.  We can drive up in my RX-7.  Just call me
at Linda's tomorrow morning say around nine, nine thirty?"  He'd have time
to get back to Linda's house and shower and dress by then.

"Sounds great.  I'll talk to you in the morning, then.  Thanks a lot Joe.
This really helps. Bye."  Tim sounded very relieved.  Joe was glad to help
the poor man/woman.  It was beginning to look like Tim was going to have to
live his teen years over because of the de-aging process that was going on
in their bodies.  Joe just seemed like an eighteen or nineteen year old, but
Tim was looking like a twelve or thirteen year old, which worried the poor
kid to no end.

"Bye Tim."  Joe hung up the phone and set it down, turning back to Jay.  

"Tim wants me to go with him to visit his parents tomorrow.  I don't blame
him for being nervous about it."  Joe looked into the understanding eyes of
his best friend turned lover.

"You are just too nice for your own good, Joe Bates.  But I love you for it.
So how early do you have to get up in the morning?"  Jay asked with a grin
on his face.

"Oh, not until eight or so.  We still have a few hours to kill, big boy." Joe
replied seductively.

"Well then, let's go to bed, pretty lady."  Jay took Joe by the arm and led
his unresisting victim into his bedroom.

End of chapter 59


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