So... this is me.
Chris Boucher, March 25, 2001


So this is my introduction.

Preparing mine as I am, after Doug has already done his, seems a bit pointless since our lives have run parallel for so long. Although I'd known of Doug for sometime, even as young as 13, I didn't really meet him until I was 16 or 17. We spent some pretty wild times together, on and off, for about 5 years, until we roomed in university. Then we were like peas and carrots for four months straight. Oh the wild ideas I thought during that time.

You see, I was taking 4th year quantum mechanics and I found it fascinating. My mind likes to play 'what if' with just about everything. And when you play that with quantum mechanics, it can get interesting. My deepest thought to come out of that time was… what if time is quantized too?

I was very lost at that time. It's funny… you don't really realize how lost you are when you are. Sure I was having a good time, but there was no direction. My talks with Doug definitely helped ease me through that time.

Maybe that's just what adolescence is all about. Unfortunately mine extended way too far into my 20's.

At any rate, after a few misguided adventures with jobs and women, I ended up where I am right now. In a good job (I'm a research chemist) with a great woman (Barb) and some fantastic kids (Erica & Foster). Other than the usual complaints (you know, not enough money, no respect, etc.) I'm pretty damn happy. My life now seems to have plenty of direction. This site is just another one of them.

The act of creation is in itself a wonderful thing. I'm sure that the joy of a child in creating his first sand castle is no different than the joy of Mozart in his first symphony or the joy of Chris creating his first real website.

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