Squally (C18)

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Photos of Squally

Above; Squally's ID photo from 1999, before he began sprouting, scanned from Killer Whales 2nd Edition, by Ford, Ellis and Balcomb.

Bare Facts: Male ~ Born 1991 ~ Mother Ivory ~ Father Unknown ~ Children Unknown ~ ID Straight, tall fin; sprouted; very faint nick at top; rounded tip

Squally was born in 1991, to Ivory. He was born into a family of 6 or 7. His niece/nephew, Virago, was born around the same time.
The young male was Ivory's last calf, and enjoyed the priviledges of being the matriarch's baby for a while longer than his older siblings, Weynton, Lama and Hunter.
When he was three, his niece Quadra was born, and three years later, Lama gave birth again to Diver. The same year, his great-uncle Booker died.
When Squally was 9, his oldest brother Weynton died.
Squally's gender was unknown for quite a while. Indeed, it wasn't until 2004, when he began to sprout, and his fin became noticeably bigger, that we figured out he was male. His nephew, Kisameet, who was two years older than him, began sprouting at the same time.
The year he began to mature, Lama gave birth again, to C25.
By 2006, Squally's fin had grown an amazing amount. His fin was already almost as tall as older brother Hunter's, and Hunter is over a decade older than him! Squally know looks almost like a full grown male. His fin is not curved, but straight and thick, with a barely noticeable nick at the top.
In 2006, Quadra was hit by a boat and soon after, she died. It's not known if Squally was even present at the collision.
Squally is now 15 years old. He travels mostly with his mom, or his big brother, or his nephew the other sprouter.