Raven (B15)

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Above; Raven's ID photo from 1999, from Killer Whales 2nd Edition by John Ford, Graeme Ellis and Kenneth Balcomb.

Bare Facts: Male ~ Born 1995 ~ Mother Scarlett ~ Father Unknown ~ Children Unknown ~ ID Curved fin; sharpish point; scars on lower saddle

Raven was born in 1995 to Scarlett (B7). Raven was Scarlett's last calf.
When Raven was born, the family consisted of almost all males (as always). There was mom Scarlett, uncles Baronet and Hooker, brothers Izumi, Slingsby, Nakwakto, Yuculta and sister Klaskish.
Raven spent most of his time with mom and sis Klaskish, since Klaskish was only 4 years older. Yuculta, who was 8 years older, and Nakwakto, who was 11 years older, also played with them sometimes.
As Raven's brothers matured and spent more time rough-housing and chasing after females, Raven spent a lot of time with sis. In 1998, when Raven was 3, the family lost Hooker and Baronet, and only 4 years later, Raven's eldest brother passed away.
Raven was the baby of the family for nearly 10 years, until 2004, when Klaskish had her baby Arrow.
In 2005, Raven began to sprout. While 10 may seem a young age to mature, it is normal for the Bs. No one was surprised to find out the young whale was male. He got a new nick near the top of his fin. Researchers still weren't sure if he was really sprouting, or his fin was just unusually tall. In 2006, however, he was clearly a sprouter.
Now, Raven spends time with his many brothers, and is often seen with Klaskish and the new calf. He is now 11 years old and fully sprouting.